Nonna’s Corner: Lost! by Joanne C. Hillhouse

June 20th, 2018 Kimberly Review 5 Comments

20th Jun

Nonnas Corner Valentines Edition

Welcome to Nonna’s Corner where I share what my grandchildren, fondly known as the Royals here at Caffeinated, and I have been reading. Today I am sharing Lost: A Caribbean Sea Adventure by Joanne C. Hillhouse.  Grab an iced cappuccino and find out what happens to Dolphin, the Arctic seal.

Nonna’s Corner: Lost! by Joanne C. Hillhouse
by Joanne C. Hillhouse
Narrator: Carol Mitchell
Length: 14 minutes
Genres: Childrens
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

When an Arctic seal named Dolphin finds himself far from home in the warm Caribbean sea, he has to rely on new friends for help. Will he make his way back to his Arctic home?

Lost: A Caribbean Sea Adventure by Joanne C. Hillhouse is a children’s book read by Carol Mitchell. The audio is around fourteen minutes long and meant to be listened along with the novel. You can hear the pages turning making it perfect for little ones to follow along.

Dolphin an Arctic seal finds himself in the Caribbean sea. Disoriented he will have to rely on his new Caribbean friends before humans show up to  rescue him. This was a charming, honest narrative about friendship and adventure. The writer touches on ocean pollution as well which I appreciated. It opens the door for discussions on preserving our earth and wildlife.

Carol Mitchell was entertaining to listen to from her Island accent to voices for the various sea creatures. I think the book, combined with the audio would be perfect for a classroom either to be read as a group or with headphones.

Sophia enjoyed Lost,  but needed pictures. No worries, Nonna has a copy coming for her. The book is available on KU and Kindle. It is also available in hardcover and paperback. You can pick up the Audible for $2.77.

See what the Royals are listening to on Nonna's Corner. Lost!: A Caribbean Sea Adventure by Joanne C. Hillhouse #JIAM #loveaudiobooks Share on X


Audible JIAM BANNER 2017
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

5 Responses to “Nonna’s Corner: Lost! by Joanne C. Hillhouse”

  1. jennrenee

    this looks so cute. We haven’t tried many audio with FInn yet. I have done a Disney one in the car and he seemed to be listening okay. I think he is still a little young to be without pictures.