Of Flame and Promise by Cecy Robson

January 11th, 2016 Kimberly Review 57 Comments

11th Jan
Of Flame and Promise by Cecy Robson

Of Flame and Promise is the sixth book in Cecy Robson’s Weird Girls series. This is one of my favorite urban fantasy series. Cecy Robson completely draws me into her world and ends up leaving me spent and well sated. Of Flame and Promise delivered humor, intense battles and growing pains, for our girl Taran Wird.

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Shadows Strike by Dianne Duvall

August 24th, 2015 Kimberly Review 54 Comments

24th Aug
Shadows Strike by Dianne Duvall

Shadows Strike was a stellar addition to the Immortal Guardians series by Dianne Duvall. Heat, intense action scenes and strong characters had me completely immersed in this world. Shadows Strike is the sixth novel in the Immortal Guardians series and can work as a standalone, although there is an overall story ARC between good and evil. I started this series with the fourth book and will eventually start at the beginning. *glares at TBR pile*

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The Raven by Sylvain Reynard

March 2nd, 2015 Kimberly Review 70 Comments

2nd Mar
The Raven by Sylvain Reynard

Sylvain Reynard drew me to the audiobook The Raven by the beautiful cover and the promise of a dark, sensual tale of romance in a city shrouded in mystery. The first in her new Florentine series set in Florence she delivered an unusual romance with unique characters and one of the most beautiful cities in the world, rich in history and home to the Prince and the underworld he rules.

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A Cursed Bloodline by Cecy Robson

November 18th, 2014 Kimberly Review 63 Comments

18th Nov
A Cursed Bloodline by Cecy Robson

A Cured Bloodline is the fourth book in Cecy Robson’s Weird Girls one of my current favorite series. It is urban fantasy series-featuring sisters who have unique abilities and takes place in the Lake Tahoe region. In A Cursed Bloodline, Robson splayed my heart open, chewed it and then carefully stitched it back together again.

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Once Bitten by Kalayna Price

September 20th, 2014 Kimberly Review 11 Comments

20th Sep
Once Bitten by Kalayna Price

I snagged the audio version of Once Bitten by Kalayna Price when it was a daily deal, and I quite enjoyed this urban fantasy. Filled with vampires, shifters, hidden realms, overseers and colorful characters I quickly slipped into the world. While I still have many questions and want more depth from the characters I was intrigued.

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The Witch With No Name by Kim Harrison

September 9th, 2014 Kimberly Review 70 Comments

9th Sep
The Witch With No Name by Kim Harrison

My journey with the Hollows series by Kim Harrison has been one of pure joy and maybe a few head-bashing moments. Watching Rachel grow, crying over lost characters and going from loathing an elf to loving him; I took a moment to reminisce over all of the heart-stopping moments and those times where my opinions and affections changed. It has been one hell of a ride, sometimes exhausting, sometimes filled with tears, but always a truly fantastic escape from reality. I was beyond ecstatic when Harper Voyager sent me a finished copy of the final book in the series; Witch With No Name. The hardcover is beautiful and I adored the little butterflies topping each chapter. I was both sad and excited to begin this final novel with Rachel Morgan our beloved day-walking demon and Harrison delivered in spades!

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