Ghost of a Chance, the third novel in the Many Travails of John Smith by Chris Tullbane, delivered another snarky, suspenseful tale in this urban fantasy series narrated by Joel Richards. John Smith searches for missing ghosts and gets in trouble with the vampire queen.
Square³ by Mira Grant
I had Square³ by Mira Grant in my TBR pile, but jumped at the chance to listen to the novella narrated by Rachel F. Hirsch. Grant shares a science fiction tale that will grab you from the first chapter.
Broken Souls by Stephen Blackmoore
Broken Souls is the second audiobook in the Eric Carter urban fantasy series by Stephen Blackmoore. Narrated by Rudy Sanda, Eric deals with a killer who can wear the skins of his victims. You’ll want to grab your earbuds and listen to this gritty, noir urban fantasy.
Dead Things by Stephen Blackmoore
Narrated by Rudy Sanda, Dead Things by Stephen Blackmoore is the first audiobook in the Eric Carter series featuring a necromancer. Dark and gritty, Blackmoore will pull you into this intriguing world.
Max Abaddon and The Crystal King by Justin Leslie
Max Abaddon and The Crystal King by Justin Leslie is the fifth audiobook in the Max Abaddon urban fantasy series narrated by Luke Daniels. Leslie brings us another fun adventure as we travel the Plane to fix magical misfires. Along the way we learn more, find danger and enjoy shenanigans.