Narrated by the talented Nicole Poole, Quicksilver by Dannika Dark was a suspenseful, action-packed story as an invitation to a formal winter ball turns into a nightmare for Keystone. As this series nears its end, Dark delivers one of the best stories yet!
๐ง The Devil You Know by Kit Rocha
Narrated by Lidia Dornet, The Devil You Know by Kit Rocha is the second audiobook in the Mercenary Librarians sci-fi fantasy series. Information brokers and a group of elite soldiers join forces in this post-apocalyptic world. This time they need a cure for one of their own….
The Best of Me by Sharon Sala
Please welcome Sophia Rose with a review of contemporary romance The Best of Me by Sharon Sala, the final book in the Blessings, Georgia novels. Perfect for fans of small-town romances.
๐ง Heroic Hearts Anthology
Heroic Hearts is dedicated to Rachel Caine, who was supposed to be a contributor before her passing. This anthology is filled with some of my favorite authors and narrators, so naturally I devoured their stories about heroes. Whether you listen or read, this one is a keeper.ย
Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire
Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire is the second novel in the Alchemical Journeys Series, and it was a thrilling tale that pulled me in and never let go. Science, alchemy, and magic blend together in this delightful fantasy. Come meet new and old characters as the battle for Summer King and Winter Queen begins….