The Emperor’s Conspiracy by Michelle Diener

November 19th, 2012 Kimberly Review 36 Comments

19th Nov
The Emperor’s Conspiracy by Michelle Diener

The cover drew me to The Emperor’s Conspiracy, the synopsis had me grab it and the novel captivated me. Michelle Diener’s novel has elements I love in a good book; suspense, mystery and a side dish of romance all set in nineteenth century London. I adored the unique characters and the plot against the crown. I was captivated by this tale and could not put it down.

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Kissing Under the Mistletoe by Marina Adair

November 15th, 2012 Kimberly Review 5 Comments

15th Nov
Kissing Under the Mistletoe by Marina Adair

I am not going to lie; I am a sucker for holiday themed romances. They put me in a festive mood and Kissing Under the Mistletoe did just that. This was a fun, smexy, snugly read and I quickly consumed it in a single evening. This is the first in the St. Helena Vineyard series and I cannot wait to go back to Napa Valley.

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River Road by Suzanne Johnson

November 13th, 2012 Kimberly Review 2 Comments

13th Nov
River Road by Suzanne Johnson

I am completely in love with the Sentinels of New Orleans series and author Suzanne Johnson. I devoured the first book Royal Street and then proceeded to beg Tor for an advanced copy of River Road. Johnson has created such an exciting urban fantasy. Delicious, well fleshed out characters, supernatural creatures and excellent world building have made this one of my favorite new series. The tale is set in the rich, eclectic city of New …

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My Kind of Christmas by Robyn Carr

November 9th, 2012 Kimberly Review 22 Comments

9th Nov
My Kind of Christmas by Robyn Carr

I absolutely love Robyn Carr’s Virgin River series and each time I open one of her books I get a warm fuzzy feeling. My Kind of Christmas did exactly that and I enjoyed reading Patrick and Angie’s story. For those of you with your jaw still hanging open at the thought of twenty books in a series; relax. While it is wonderful seeing all the different townsfolk and knowing their stories, you can easily read them as standalone. Each introduced a new couple and their story. I began reading this after dinner Tuesday night which was a mistake. I know once I open her books that I cannot put them down. I found myself up till 2:32 am on a work night! I did that whole “just one more chapter” thing till I got my HEA. * facepalm* I will say it was worth it and I do not regret getting only four hours sleep!

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