Guardians of Stone by Anita Clenney

December 4th, 2012 Kimberly Review 25 Comments

4th Dec
Guardians of Stone by Anita Clenney

When I saw the cover and the blurb for Guardians of Stone I immediately set out to order it for my Nook. Now many of you know I have a self-imposed rule about only buying eBooks during 2012. Now I have gotten around that a few times on holidays by specifically asking for a particular book, but you can only get away with that so many times.

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Crusher by Niall Leonard

November 29th, 2012 Kimberly Review 4 Comments

29th Nov
Crusher by Niall Leonard

In the mood for a good mystery thriller I accepted a finished copy of Crusherby Niall Leonard from the publisher. At the time I did not know this author is EL James’ husband or that this tale was written during NaNoWriMo. The tale was action packed and the list of suspects kept me guessing.

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How to Deceive a Duke by Lecia Cornwall

November 27th, 2012 Kimberly Review 1 Comment

27th Nov
How to Deceive a Duke by Lecia Cornwall

I stumbled across How to Deceive a Duke and while the cover whore in me was not impressed I was immediately intrigued by the synopsis. How does a sister replace another at the altar to save her family from penury? How would the groom not know? I of course had to have some answers. Cornwall answered my questions while delivering a fast paced tale that had me laughing, banging my head and kept me reading late into the night.

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The View From Here by Cindy Myers

November 26th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

26th Nov
The View From Here by Cindy Myers

The View from Here takes place in the small town of Eureka, Colorado and shares with us Maggie’s story and those of some of the townsfolk. It is the debut novel of Cindy Meyers and it was absolutely delightful. I have to tell you I am very excited to have found this author and look forward to reading more of her work. With fleshed out characters, growth and small town drama this tale completely captivated me and had me longing to see the mountainside of this small mining town.

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The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts

November 24th, 2012 Kimberly Review 1 Comment

24th Nov
The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts has been one of my favorite contemporary authors for romance and the occasional paranormal woo-woo for almost twenty years. Her plots are always engaging and her characters melt my heart. I pre-ordered The Perfect Hope and despite my eagerness had to wait for the weekend to start it, and start it I did. I opened the book around eleven pm on Friday evening and finished it at 4 am. Thank goodness it was the weekend. My hubby wondered why I slept in till almost 10 am. *IDK*

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