The Unbreakable Bladesong Druid by Annette Marie, narrated by Chris Dukehart, is the fourth book in the Guild Codex: Unveiled urban fantasy series. Betrayals, ultimate battles and an epic epilogue await you. Grab a cup of joe and see why I love this world & series.
π§ The Twice-Scorned Lady of Shadow by Annette Marie
Narrated by Cris Dukehart and Tim Campbell, The Twice-Scorned Lady of Shadow by Annette Marie continues the story of Saber and Zak. Listeners are rewarded with answers, suspense and romance…
π§ The Long-Forgotten Winter King by Annette Marie
The Long-Forgotten Winter King is the second audiobook in the Unveiled series and is part of Annette Marie’s Guild Codex world. Narrated by Cris Dukehart, the author shares Saber and Zak’s stories. Druids, suspense and surprises await you. The story left me excited about the next installment….
π§ To Kill a God by C.S. Wilde
To Kill a God by C.S. Wilde brings us the final audiobook in the Hollowcliff Detective series. The ultimate battle with Poseidon is upon us, as our forbidden lovers are separated. Narrated by Chris Dukehart & Tim Paige, you’ll want to grab your earbuds….
π§ The One and Only Crystal Druid by Annette Marie
Narrated by Cris Dukehart, The One and Only Crystal Druid by Anette Marie is the first in the Guild Codex series, Unveiled. I love this world and was so excited that Zak was getting his own story. My only complaint is that I would have liked his point of view…but there is always the next audio!