The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a captivating dystopian novel that literally blew me away. It takes place in the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Here Collins introduces us to wonderful characters and a governing body that does unspeakable things to its districts children. Each year two children (one boy and one girl) between the ages of twelve and eighteen are chosen from each district to be participants in the Hunger Games; a nationally televised fight to the death. Collins tale offers; action, loyalty, romance and a brilliant tale of humanity, death, hope and human’s ability to endure.
Divergent by Veronica Roth
In Veronica Roth’s debut novel, Divergent, she offers us a unique dystopia with likeable characters. The world-building for this society was fascinating and the story line kept me turning the pages. This novel offer; good verse evil, political tension, romance and a fractured society. I purchased this novel when it was first released, for my Nook, and for whatever reason it found it’s way into my TBR pile. I am still kicking myself, for that bone-headed move.
Starters by Lissa Price
When I saw the cover and read the synopsis I was immediately intrigued by Starters. I have a real love for dystopias and post-apocalyptic novels. Starters is the debut novel of Lissa Price and the exciting start of a new series. The world-building and story are fascinating. Parts of the tale, had a disturbing ring of truth to them. This novel quickly captured my attention and I breezed through it in a single day.
Partials by Dan Wells
Partial is the first novel, in a new series by Dan Wells, acclaimed author of I Am Not a Serial Killer. In this YA, post-apocalyptic dystopia the year is 2076. It has been eleven years since the uprising of the Partials; a group of engineered organic beings who released a virus known as RM. This virus wiped out most of humanity and left the few remaining unable to produce living offspring.
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Shatter Me, has been on my wish list since I began reading the reviews of fellow readers and bloggers. A group I belong to on Goodreads chose it as their January Book of the Month. (sorry guys I couldn’t wait) So I bought it with B&N gift cards I received for Christmas. This is the last book I read for 2011 and boy did I go out with a bang.