Narrated by a full cast featuring Julia Whelan, Brian Nishii, Keisuke Hoashi, MacLeod Andrews, Jeanne Sakata, Greg Watanabe, Kurt Kanazawa, Matthew Bridges, Kotaro Watanabe, Brianna Ishibashi, Joe Knezevitch, Micky Shiloah, Stephanie Komure, and Jason Culp, How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu delivers a science fiction dystopian that will haunt you long after you’ve finished.
🎧 The Purveli by Dianne Duvall
The Purveli by Dianne Duvall is the third audiobook in the science fiction romance series the Aldebarian Alliance. Narrated by Kristen Potter. Duvall delivers another suspenseful tale filled with danger, uncharted planets and undeniable romance.
🎧 Fated Blades by Ilona Andrews
I read the first two Kinsmen books and was delighted at the chance to listen to Fated Blades the third novella in Ilona Andrews sci-fi romance. Sizzling chemistry ignites between these two powerful house leaders.
Guild Boss by Jayne Castle
I love the Ghost Hunter (Harmony) series with its off planet suspense, paranormal woo-woo, romance and dust bunnies! Guild Boss takes readers to Illusion Town on the colony world of Harmony. It’s Las Vegas type atmosphere delivered from the mystery to the romance.
🎧 Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
listened to Hail Mary by Andy Weir on vacation. Addictive with a unique concept and storyline, I easily slipped into the story narrated by Ray Porter, Weir delivers an engaging science fiction thriller.