Magical Midlife Madness by K.F. Breene is the first in the Paranormal Women’s Fiction series Leveling Up. This series features a forty-year-old woman starting anew. Travel with her to a small-town with secrets. Supernatural elements, life decisions and magic await you…..
If It Bleeds by Stephen King
If It Bleed by Stephen King is a collection of four novellas, a favorite format for this King fan. Buckle up and enjoy these four chilling tales…
It’s A Wonderful Midlife Crisis by Robyn Peterman
It’s A Wonderful Midlife Crisis by Robyn Peterman is the first novel in the paranormal women’s fiction series, Good to the Last Death. Ghosts, body-aches and a sexy, mysterious lawyer delivered a delightful start to this series.
Suddenly Psychic by Elizabeth Hunter
When three middle-aged women crash into Glimmer Lake, they awaken with strange abilities. Suddenly Psychic by Elizabeth Hunter, is the first novel in the Glimmer Lake trilogy.
I’m Glad You’re Dead by Hunter Blain
Are you looking for a dark vampire urban fantasy? Do you love references to pop culture, snark, and fast-paced action? Then grab, I’m Glad You’re Dead by Hunter Blain, the first audiobook in the Preternatural Chronicles.