Her Night with the Duke by Diana Quincy is the first in the Clandestine Affairs series. An exotic, headstrong female and an uptight Duke share an encounter that changes all the rules.
The Roommate by Rosie Danan
The Roommate by Rosie Danan is a refreshing, original, and sexy tale with lovable, flawed characters that I rooted for. Grab a cup of joe and read my thoughts…
Night Shift Dragons by Rachel Aaron
Night Shift Dragons by Rachel Aaron is the third audiobook in the DFZ urban fantasy series. Growth, battles, tests and swoons await in this nail-biting action-packed story.
Part-Time Gods by Rachel Aaron
I dove straight into Part-time Gods, the second audiobook in the DFZ, urban fantasy series by Rachel Aaron before the ink dried on my review of the first audiobook. We are back in the Detroit Free Zone and our girl Opal is in serious trouble.
Minimum Wage Magic by Rachel Aaron
Minimum Wage Magic delivered from an intriguing world to unique characters. Mages, dragons, cybernetics and magic gave way to a suspenseful tale filled with characters I want more of. The first in the DFZ series you’ll want to add this to your TBR pile.