Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog to share a non-fiction novel, Jane Austen’s Best Friend: The Life and Influence of Martha Lloyd by Zoe Wheddon. As you know Sophia loves all things Jane Austen so grab a cuppa and check out her thoughts.
The Jupiter Knife by D.J. Butler & Aaron Michael Ritchey
Today we welcome Sophia Rose to the blog to share The Jupiter Knife, the second urban fantasy novel in the The Cunning Man series by DJ Butler and Aaron Michael Ritchey. Narrated by Stephen Bel Davies you’ll want to add this one to your audiobook list!
Hana Khan Carries On by Uzma Jalaluddin
Today Sophia Rose has stopped in to share the delightful new RomCom, Hana Khan Carries On by Uzma Jalaluddin. With all the talk of food, this one will make you hungry!
What the Devil Knows by C.S. Harris
Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog with a review of the historical mystery What the Devil Knows by C.S. Harris. Grab a cuppa and see why this story gave her the chills.
Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price
Please welcome Sophia Rose who is popping in to share a young adult historical mystery with us! Check out her thoughts on Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price, the first novel in the Jane Austen Murder Mystery series.