The Wicked We Have Done by Sarah Harian

March 19th, 2014 Kimberly Review 80 Comments

19th Mar
The Wicked We Have Done by Sarah Harian

The Wicked We Have Done is the first in the Chaos Theory by Sarah Harian. If offers a Hunger Games like twist known as the Compass Room; an advanced prison test that determines your moral compass. While not without flaws this fast paced tale kept me engaged, and terrified. Mini review: Nine psychotic criminals, thirty-days, freakish tests and diverse crimes made this an intense ride.

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Happily Ever After by Elizabeth Maxwell

March 18th, 2014 Kimberly Review 86 Comments

18th Mar
Happily Ever After by Elizabeth Maxwell

Happily Ever After by Elizabeth Maxwell is a fun, quirky contemporary romance with a twist of magic. Sadie Fuller is a middle-aged, divorced, mother who writes erotic fiction at night. When a character from her latest book suddenly appears in this world, things get, well, complicated. Mini review: humor, a little romance, and some self-discovery make this quirky tale memorable.

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The Wild Ones by M. Leighton

March 17th, 2014 Kimberly Review 66 Comments

17th Mar
The Wild Ones by M. Leighton

I have had Wild Ones by M. Leighton on my nook since, well forever. I watched it go to the top of the charts, saw Penguin pick it up, republish it and then I got an ARC of book two, and it was just the kick I needed to read it. Dang..why did I wait so long. *sigh* I have read previous books by Leighton and adored them. Isn’t it weird how some books just sit in our pile, even though we know they will be good?

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River Road by Jayne Ann Krentz

March 15th, 2014 Kimberly Review 50 Comments

15th Mar
River Road by Jayne Ann Krentz

If you have been staying Caffeinated then you already know Jayne Anne Krentz and her pseudonyms are on my auto-buy list. I consumed, River Road, when it released in January and I’m delighted to share it with you. Set in wine country, Krentz delivers a murder mystery with complicated suspects and a hero and heroine we can adore. Mini review: Edge of your seat suspense with warm, slow-building friends to lovers romance that felt genuine.

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Atonement by B.J. Daniels

March 14th, 2014 Kimberly Blog Tour, Review 48 Comments

14th Mar
Atonement by B.J. Daniels

The cover and synopsis of Atonement by B.J. Daniels sold me, and then after I realized it was the fourth book in the Beartooth, Montana series. Worries about jumping in late were quickly dismissed as each book can be read as a standalone. Daniels did an excellent job of reintroducing older characters and making me feel comfortable. Mini review: suspenseful, multiple story threads and a slow-building romance kept me captivated.

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