Six of my Favorite Bookish Things

August 18th, 2017 Kimberly Feature 63 Comments

18th Aug
Six of my Favorite Bookish Things

Caffeinated is celebrating its six-year blogoversary and today I am sharing six of my favorite bookish things. The list below shares things I enjoy that are totally bookish and not something a non-book person would necessarily enjoy. Hopefully, you can relate. Grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated ice beverage and enjoy! 

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Six of My Favorite Standalone Listens

August 17th, 2017 Kimberly Feature 48 Comments

17th Aug
Six of My Favorite Standalone Listens

While I only began listening to audiobooks at the end of 2015, I have listened to over 179 audiobooks.  I always share a top ten audio listens in December of each year, but for my blogoversary, I wanted to share six standalone favorites.  I did this because series like the Others by Anne Bishop, all of Ilona Andrew’s books, the entire White Trash Zombie series and more would dominate. I wanted to recommend audios even a newbie could try.   Grab an iced vanilla coffee and discover your next listen…

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Six of My Favorite Books Read as a Blogger

August 16th, 2017 Kimberly Feature 76 Comments

16th Aug

This was a fun post to write as it had me browsing my own blog and recalling books and characters that I have read. Listed are six wonderful books I read and discovered while blogging. This list does not include Audiobooks, as I have given them their own top six posts. You can check that out tomorrow.  Grab a cup of sweet tea. (yes, I like tea occasionally) and enjoy….

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Irresistible You by Kate Meader

August 11th, 2017 Kimberly Review 31 Comments

11th Aug
Irresistible You by Kate Meader

IRRESISTIBLE YOU by Kate Meader is the first book in her Chicago Rebels contemporary romance series. Sexy, charming and hot Meader shares Harper and Remy’s story as they melt the ice and kick off this series featuring three sisters and the men they fall for.

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