Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts

June 3rd, 2016 Kimberly Review 52 Comments

3rd Jun
Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts

Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts is the first novel in her newest collection, The Guardians Trilogy. Steeped in mythology this paranormal story takes place on a small Greek island where six strangers drawn by fate begin a quest. The tale is wrapped in mythology as this team unites to find three stars forged by ancient goddess and sought by evil forces.

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Under the Desert Sky by Sara Luck

April 28th, 2016 Kimberly Review 44 Comments

28th Apr
Under the Desert Sky by Sara Luck

Under the Desert Sky by Sara Luck is a historical romance set in the Arizona frontier. It offers a standalone fade to black romance with a strong heroine, suspense and ostriches. Well-paced with interesting character and a picturesque setting I quickly devoured Under the Desert Sky.

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November 9 by Colleen Hoover

December 10th, 2015 Kimberly Review 72 Comments

10th Dec
November 9 by Colleen Hoover

November 9 by Colleen Hoover was an anticipated release for me and as an added bonus; it was the first book that my online book club, Caffeinated Book Club tackled. I adored the characters and the premise readily swallowing the little blue pill and falling for the events that unfold in November 9.

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How the Heck Did You Do That?!? -Let’s talk sidebars

May 31st, 2014 Kimberly Blogger Tips and Tricks 76 Comments

31st May
How the Heck Did You Do That?!? -Let’s talk sidebars

Today I thought we would chat about sidebars. It’s where we show a bit of our personality, maybe some fan pictures or blog love. I am not going to talk about cleaning it up, or the time load those images and widgets require, not to mention how they distract the eye. Or the fact that last years read-a-thon is still there … have heard it all. Today I am going to mention things that should be in your sidebar to help visitors.

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