Sunday Post #639 Storms, Heat Wave, Clean Up

August 4th, 2024 Kimberly Sunday Post 35 Comments

4th Aug

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

For the month of July, I read & listened to 14 books. Not bad, since we were on vacation for over half of it. I am, however, still 10 books behind in my Goodreads challenge 106/200. This week we had storms that knocked out our power for about 4 hours. All during the time we planned a party for our daughter’s 30th. So no dinner, but we all had cake and sang by candlelight. The grandkids couldn’t believe their luck at getting cake before dinner. LOL I sent everyone out after the storm, with a little money for fast food dinners since no one had power at home. We lost some trees, but neighbors lost fences and more. Many folks still do not have power and we are grateful that our neighborhood was restored so quickly. Our children all have power and I am grateful they didn’t lose food or work. My husband’s office finally got power back on Friday. The storms produced high winds similar to a Category 2 Hurricane. I have never seen so many tree braches covering our lawn. We are now experiencing a heat wave and while I will never complain about warm temps; I do hope power is restored quickly for everyone affected. Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
This Week on the Blog
  • The Withering Storm by Amy Boyles (audiobook review)
  • A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston (audiobook review)
  • My Brother Michael by Mary Stewart (guest post/ audiobook review)
  • Drow Guardian by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle (audiobook review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

A special thanks to Hachette Audio

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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35 Responses to “Sunday Post #639 Storms, Heat Wave, Clean Up”

  1. Katherine

    I think I would have loved cake before dinner and a power outage when I was a kid! Good luck with your Goodreads challenge. I think one good month and you’ll be caught up. Hope you’re having a great week!

  2. Lydia C. Lee

    I’m sorry the birthday dinner was ruined but happy kids with the cake!! And hope all the power issues were sorted quickly for everyone. We will have more andmore of that, I’m afraid…

  3. Becki

    The storms sound really powerful! Up here in Michigan we got some torrential rain for a bit, but never lost any power. Glad it sounds like you and your family made it through okay!

  4. Jinjer

    So sorry about all the climate chaos in your area! You’re lucky the fast food places kept their power on! Generators? I can just imagine the screams of excitement when the grandkids found out they get cake before dinner. Too cute!

    Jinjer recently posted: Marilyn Goes To The Dentist
  5. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    For a change this week I didn’t have my power go out with the storms. My mom’s did, which is crazy because she has a back up generator. Turns out when they came to do the annual maintenance on it a couple weeks ago, they forgot to flip the switch back for it to automatically turn the power on. Fortunately her power came back on before she lost her food. Have a good week!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #181 – August 4th, 2024
  6. Jenni Elyse

    Oh wow! You’ve had such a crazy July! I’m glad you had a great vacation and you were able to read so many books. Sorry about the storm and everything it did. I’m glad you were still able to celebrate your daughter’s birthday, though. I hope the aftermath of the storm gets resolved quickly!

  7. Jan farnworth

    Glad you are ok and what a fun memory for your daughter even though she 30 cake before dinner is always a treat. We been hot and smokey so the air quality has not been the best. Some days i wake up tasting smoke i so glad we have a/c and not a swamp cooler anymore as we have to pull it and close up the house which is miserable when it over 100 outside. We planted roses early in the week and i spent the weekend catching up on books i had almost done. I am at 140/200 books for the year so i am doing really well. I joined two groups that have really helped challenge me to read more and fit in small bursts when i am busy. Have a great week

  8. Meezan

    Sorry to hear about the storms and the aftermath, but glad you are okay! Cake before dinner makes for a memorable birthday! 🙂

  9. A Voracious Reader

    I’m glad you got power back quickly and had no significant damage. I hope everyone else gets theirs back asap. We’ve had some storms roll through, but no damage so far. No hurricanes yet this year either. *fingers crossed*

  10. Jill

    Cake for dinner doesn’t sound like a bad way to start your 30’s. What a scary storm. I hope everyone in your area gets power back soon.

    I’m behind on my goals too. I have to see what I can do for the rest of the year.

  11. Bookworm

    Glad you got your power back! Those storms are scary. I’ll never forget we lost power for a week with Hurrican Sandy and were very lucky no damage to our property. Cake by candlelight sounds like a nice way to spend family time even with the storm. Happy reading this week!

  12. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    Oh no! Glad you got power back so quickly! I remember our last outage, which was during the summer last year, lasted for days. Luckily we had a generator to help save our full refrigerator. Hopefully everyone else has power by now in the area. Being without power in the summer is harsh. I’d much rather deal with winter and no power than summer!

    Nice new read! That’s a new to me one but I hope you enjoy it!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  13. Lola

    That sounds like a bad storm and that’s unfortunate timing it happened during the birthday party for your daughter. I hope you still had fun with the cake before dinner. I feel bad for those who still don’t have power. I hope you have a great week!

  14. Lori

    It has been a terrible year for storms. It sounds like you had at least a little birthday fun. I hope everyone has power back soon.

  15. Haze

    Sorry to hear you lost power during an important celebration but it sounds like you were able to salvage it and have fun anyway. I’m glad the grandkids had such a great perspective! Cake before dinner is such a win!