Sunday Post #625 Tornadoes & New Glasses

April 28th, 2024 Kimberly Sunday Post 38 Comments

28th Apr

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Friday was crazy. I got my new progressive eye glasses and adjusting to them is like being on a boat. (FYI- I am prone to seasickness) Then we had storms roll through and multiple tornadoes impacted the area, causing widespread damage. Aside from ending up in lockdown at the school for an hour when I went to pick the grandkids, we only lost tree branches. My daughter, a pharmacist at Walgreens, was also on lockdown. They had a tornado pass across the street. While the church, (across the street from her building) remained untouched, the home next to was completely demolished. Hello Spring. Eep! Stay Caffeinated.

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

38 Responses to “Sunday Post #625 Tornadoes & New Glasses”

  1. Haze @ The Book Haze

    I have never come close to experiencing a tornado and I hope I never do. I can’t imagine what it must be like. I’m glad it you and your family are safe!

  2. Meezan

    There’s no other weather phenomenon that scares me more than tornadoes. This is why this time of year isn’t my favorite. I’m not a fan of thunderstorms either. I hope you can get used to the glasses. I know what you mean about how the progressives feel. Take care!

  3. Katherine

    Glad you didn’t have much damage! My husband had the same issue with his glasses but seems to have adjusted now. Fingers crossed you do too very soon to avoid the seasickness! Have a great week!

  4. Vidya

    glad the tornadoes didn’t cause too much damage and hope that there was no in that house that did get demolished because of..

  5. Jan Farnworth

    Ohh another audiobook challenhe that sounds fun. I live in Washington so tornadoes are not common once in a while we get a small tremor from
    An earthquake but mainly it pretty calm. I be worried about flooding since we can get a lot of rain. Have a great week.

  6. Sophie

    Wow tornadoes! The chruch was really protected by God or what invisible forces! We don’t have (many) tornadoes here but I would be so afraid! It’s a good thing no one among you was hurt! Also congrats, you made me order Heaven Breaker (and I even ordered the Deluxe edition) LOL

  7. sjhigbee

    Urg! How absolutely terrifying… Let’s hope you don’t get any more tornados of that strength coming through this spring!

    I really like your glasses – they look great. But I know what you mean about getting used to them. Have a more peaceful week, Kimberly.

  8. Lisa R. Howeler

    One reason I am pushing off the bifocals so long is because I have vertigo issues and sea sickness as well. I don’t think I’ll be able to push it off after my next visit though.

    Those storms are scary! I hope you can stay safe.

  9. Debi O'Neille

    That’s a beautiful visual that the church remained untouched, but it’s sad for the house owners losing their house next door. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    They had us in Kansas City prepared for the tornadoes and all we got was torrential rain and of course all the local tv channels concentrating on the tornadoes nowhere near KC. But I guess that makes us lucky this time around! Glad to hear you and your family made it through okay! My glasses are progressive and I no longer wear them anytime other than right at bedtime, don’t lounge around on the weekends with them before putting in contacts anymore. I think my being prone to vertigo was made worse when I was wearing them for longer times. My contacts are still just single vision? Don’t know if that’s the correct term. But I’m going to continue to fight having them changed and I’ll just bring reading glasses, lol. Hope you have a good week!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #167 – April 28th, 2024
  11. Jinjer

    I never could get used to the progressives. I went from those to one pair for distance, one pair for reading, and a third pair for something else. This last time I got bifocals and I hate them. Unless I hold them in one specific spot with my hand, they are not spot on. I don’t know if it’s because I have really bad astigmatism or what, but I just can’t get the right glasses. I finally got tired of it and gave up and just deal. BUT recently I found out I can’t go into a shop and look around at stuff the way that the glasses currently are, so I’m going to have to get some kind of adjustment. Sigh.

    Hopefully you have an easier time adjusting to yours than that!!!! Good luck!

    Jinjer recently posted: Staycation April 2024
  12. Stormi

    I am glad you only had a few branches down! Missouri had some nasty stuff to but most of it went around us. This is the only thing I hate about Spring.

    Stormi recently posted: Week in Review #79
  13. Sophia Rose

    Well, that was an exciting week for you! Not that I want anyone else dealing with tornado damage, but glad you and yours made it through safe and sound. Progressives made me whoozy for a few days, too. Ugh!

    Have a good week, Kimberly!

    Sophia Rose recently posted: Review: Cheater by Karen Rose
  14. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    Yeah this is why I hate this time of year. I get such storm anxiety! Luckily we just had some strong winds and such. It was the last two weeks we had all the tornado warnings! Glad you and your family all came out okay!

    Nice new reads! These are all new to me ones! I hope you enjoy each and every one of them once you get to read them!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  15. A Voracious Reader

    Storms I can handle, even huricanes, but tornadoes scare the ever living shit out of me. Glad everyone is ok! Good luck with the glasses. When mom got hers she said it took a little bit, but she got used to them. I actually have a pair (for about 5 yrs now), but never wear them. Like, literally never. I’m not even sure where they are. I’ll probably eventually have to, but for now I resist. LOL

  16. Jill

    Yikes, tornadoes! I hope that calms down soon. Good luck with the new glasses. I got a new contact prescription this week, and I think I’m going to call my doctor tomorrow and ask if I can go back to my old prescription.

  17. Lorna

    That is so scary! I know I was afraid for you. I’m glad you got through it intact! Your glasses are three tiers or whatever it is called. I had those before cataract surgery. After cataract surgery only needed readers. It’s been pretty great although I can tell I’ll be needing glasses again in the not so far future. See what you have to look forward to? Best surgery I ever had. As far as your new glasses, I never got used to the bottom part and I took them off to read. Had them for a long time too. I hope you do better than I did.

  18. Greg

    Oh wow! Glad you are safe! I heard about tornadoes out there.

    Too close for comfort!

  19. Lola

    I hope you adjust to your new glasses soon, that sounds difficult feeling like you’re on a boat, I get seasick too. We only very rarely get tornado’s here in the Netherlands and I never experienced one, they sound very creepy. I am glad there are lock downs to help people stay safe, but I feel sad for the family whose house got destroyed by it. Have a great week!