The makers of the Beam N Read LED3 hands free light asked me if I would like to test their product and share it with my readers. I love to read into the wee hours, as I am firm believer in the “just one more chapter” mantra. I usually read at night with my Nook HD, but there have been many nights I am reading a physical book and I am often annoyed they don’t come with a nightlight. Not wanting to disturb my husband I am often forced to leave the comfort of my warm, soft bed to finish those chapters. Have you ever sat on the floor in the bathroom to finish those last chapters? I have! I spent the last thirty days testing the Beam N Read both for my comfort and those of the man snoring rather loudly beside me…..
The Beam N Read is a hands Free LED3 light that allows you to adjust the length for reading whether you are sitting or lying down in bed. It is battery operated offering 120 hours of hand free reading. Unlike some reading lights such as clip ons, and those annoying head gear lights, it has a wide light that illuminates the entire book from hardcover to paperback. It will even work for the older eReaders. The kit contains a clip on red filter allowing you to soften the light.
I loved the adjustable strap, and how well constructed the unit is. It is easily switched on and off by flipping the light into position. The light can be flipped into a few positions directing the light both up and down. The unit is lightweight and sat comfortably on my chest. It requires 4 AA batteries and with daily use I have yet to change them. My son pointed out it would also be useful when working on small projects and I used it when trying to remove a tiny splinter from my finger. I am also delighted to report that my hubby was able to continue his work sawing down forests.
The makers of Beam N Read also offer a larger Beam N Read LED6 Deluxe Light. It has an extra wide light with night vision filter and a Fresnel Magnifier that is perfect for crafts. My mother enjoys needlepoint, quilting and puzzles. As a diabetic her eyesight isn’t what is once was and she struggles in any kind of low light. The larger Beam N Read allows her to work hands free and is less stressful on her eyes when using the magnifier. The magnifier clips directly to the Beam N Read and is extra large allowing her a greater work area.
Learn More About the Beam N Read
ASF Lightware Solutions
The Beam N Read is perfect for readers and crafters and is reasonably priced.The smaller unit is just under twenty dollars and the larger under thirty. You can purchase them on the Beam N Read Website or at Amazon. With Christmas less then 6 months away, these would make fantastic stocking stuffers for everyone on your list.

I would to use this for when I’m looking for stuff…I seem to lose a lot of really tiny crap all the time so I’m always using my iphone for light.
I read late at night too! I read while lying down so of this will really work while doing that it will be perfect…although I toss and turn a lot while reading…
Haha, anyway, cool gadget! And it looks like you can use it for more than reading! Will def check this out Kimba 🙂
Amir, this light will adjust up and down for any position.
Diana Leigh
Clever gadget! I could definitely put it to good use.
Bummer, I can’t enter 🙁 But it looks like a very cool and quite useful gadget!
Paij Slater
LOVE this…I must have one 😉
I like that the light has a wider angle and straps to the book. Both are great features. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve been through so many book lights. I lose a lot of them because yes, I am a one more chapter kind of reader! 🙂 This one sounds super good though. I may need to get me one.
Lily B
ahha humm this could be useful for night reading books, thought I end up reading with the paperwhite cause of it’s light >.< hubby would prob complain nonetheless
Nice. I usually read late at night too. You know what my solution is? Never get married. lol. Kidding. Sort of. But this is a pretty cool product. 🙂
This sounds so amazing. I have a Kindle but one without background light so I have to keep light on till wee hours and then I usually hate that I have to get up and turn it off. So this seems amazing! Great post, Kim 🙂
I’ve been debating getting a small light myself for when i read late at night and want all my lights off (i hate when lights are on i find them so distracting) so somehting like this would do me some good!
Melissa (Books and Things)
I love the idea for crafts! I think my mom would really enjoy this one for her crocheting.
My husband works way early mornings so I have just been reading on the couch so I don’t bother him. But it would be nice to have a smaller light and not have to use the big lamp. I’m glad this worked well for you!
This sounds really handy. that’s great it’s able to be used for a variety of things, and not JUST reading (though that alone is awesome).
I rarely read physical books these days, but when I do and want to stay up late a good light like this would be handy. I have tried several book lights over the years and haven’t found one I am thrilled with.
That is a nifty little thing to own! Too bad I don’t live in North America!
I have been waiting for you to review this since you got it. I have been so curious about it! Even though I do have my Paperwhite I still read the occasional paperback/hardback and need a good light for when I do. I am so glad this worked so well for you.
I love the idea that it can be used for hobbies and uses besides reading. I currently sit on the couch in another room while my hubby is sleeping if I have the urge to read late. This would benefit me–thanks for the opportunity. Sounds great!
“Sawing down forests” LOL! This probably wouldn’t work quite as well for me as I tend to read on my side in bed but I can see how it would be useful!
Debbie Haupt
Wow Kimba, this looks great. Fingers Crossed!
The hiding in the bathroom comment made me laugh. I’ve done that so many times! Glad I’m not the only one. I first thought that I would need this because I’ve got my Kindle Paperwhite but there are a number of times I’ve been really involved in a physical book but felt guilty about turning the light on. Also we’ve lost power a few times for days and having a back up light to read at night sounds really nice. Great review of the product! You made some great points.
My daughter loves her headlamp (bought for camping but used also for reading at night), but I think this would be better for me, for both reading and knitting in low light. Thanks for reviewing, and for the giveaway!
I think this is way better than the one you clip on top of your book, that thing sucked balls!
LOL…my husband thinks I have the worst stomach in the world because of course I lie and say my stomach hurts because he would think I’m a psycho for sitting on the bathroom floor to finish “ONE” more chapter. Glad I’m not alone and P.S. I really need one of these in my life. The light…not another husband.
Just One More Chapter is the best, but also the worst because le lack of sleep. I haven’t felt the need of one since my kindle paperwhite is perfect for night-time reading and I live in my own room so don’t bother anyone with physical novels during night-time, but if I ever needed one, this seems very good! Yay for not messing with your husband’s sleep 😀 I like that it’s not a clip-on or isn’t one you have to put on your head. Looks pretty darn neat 🙂 Thanks for introducing this to us, Kim!
Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination