by Kim Harrison
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

Witch and day-walking demon Rachel Morgan has managed to save the demonic ever after from shrinking, but at a high cost. Now strange magic is attacking Cincinnati and the Hollows, causing spells to backfire or go horribly wrong, and the truce between the races, between Inderlander and human, is shattering. Rachel must stop the occurrences before the undead vampire masters who keep the rest of the undead under control are lost and it becomes all-out supernatural war. However, the only way to do so is through the ancient elven wild magic, which carries its own perils
The Undead Pool is the twelfth novel in the Hollows series by author Kim Harrison. Despite the chaos that surrounds Rachel Morgan I get giddy just stepping back into her world. Harrison continues to flesh out the characters and world while having Rachel solve impossible cases. Mini-review: Trent and Rachel sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Brilliant, fast-paced, an emotional ride.
Rachel our lovely witch and day-walking demon is handling security for Trent while Quen is away when strange magic enters Cincinnati and the Hollows causing spells to go terribly wrong. Chaos rules, as the truce between human and Inderlander, crumbles. Something is wrong with the Master Vampires, and things are escalating. Rachel must undercover the cause but will romantic daydreams of Trent get in the way?
Kim Harrison continues to flesh out her characters as we gain a new understanding of them and observe character growth. Rachel is a far cry from the young woman we first met in Dead Witch Walking. She has loved and lost, been tormented, battered and betrayed, but she fights fiercely for the city and those she loves. I adore this kick-ass witch and love how she has matured. Trent, ah, the smexy, elf himself, I loathed him at the beginning of this series but as Harrison peeled back his layers and changed him *thanks to Rachel’s influence* I slowly fell in love with him. Favorites were present like Jenks, gads I adore the little fart, Bis, and Ivy. Ivy’s new romance struggles as she works to save her from being controlled. David, Elizabeth, Newt, and Al have scene time and we witness some significant changes in their relationship to Rachael. We gain a little insight into Al which I found interesting and I truly hope Harrison explores this more. We also meet other characters who added to the tale. All of these secondary characters and their interactions with Rachel took me on an emotional ride from giddiness to sorrow.
The Undead Pool will please fans as we see progress with some relationships and others are severed. The mystery regarding the strange magic affecting the Hollows and Cincinnati was a complex and interesting one. As I reflect back on the novel, I am simply blown away by the number of threads and events that were wrapped around the case. Power struggles and nefarious plots within the supernatural world run rampant. Harrison managed to deliver what I was craving, shock me and add depth to secondary characters. We see romantic development, but I will let you discover those for yourself. From the beginning to end this was action-packed, and I simply lost myself in its pages. The ending was well done and of course, left me eager for more. My anticipation for the next book is bittersweet as it will bring with it the conclusion of the Hollows series.
The Undead Pool delivered everything I wanted and more. The Hollows’ series is one that I will recommend again and again for its wonderful characters and captivating tales. The final book has an expected release date of 2015.

Kim Harrison is one of the authors I want to read this year. This book does sound interesting and now I am conflicted on what book of her to start with!
Oh this series should be read in order..so Dead Witch Walking.
Pamela D
I’m hoping to start this series in March. It sounds like so much fun! 🙂
Sweet, Rachel is a little rough in the beginning but each book gets better and so does she!
I am so excited…kissing huh yes yes yes. I have been aching for this one and i cant believe how close we are to the end. Now you have me dying to know what relationships are severed! Tuesday my copy arrives!
Squee..I am excited for you..enjoy!
I am excited, but not excited. I am dying to read it, but I’m scared for it to end. I am really hoping to see lots of Trent and Rachel together. So glad to hear it is a good one!
I feel you Tanya, I shall cry when this series ends.
Sharon - Obsession with Books
It’s so wonderful this series is still going strong at book 12, I’m around 9 books behind and hope to one day get back into it.
A great review Kimba! 🙂
This series has been since fun to read and I will be so sad to see it end..catch up!
Perfect review!!!! I have no other words… you summed everything up so well!!! I actually LOVED that David was in this one a tiny bit more than he’s been in the past. I’ve always had a soft spot for him <3
I have to ask, did you get the feeling at the end that this could possibly be the very last book? That she could actually end the series right here and now? I was actually panicking when I finished. I was googling everywhere to confirm there was a book 13 and I will be asking that on Tuesday just to make sure (at her book signing). But what do you think?????
I don’t think she would pull the carpet out from under her fans like that, while there are some loose threads, it could end here.
There are just So many of them
and yet not nearly enough!
I just skimmed this review, I still have to read Ever After.
Gads, Ever After was wonderful!!
Haha, I absolutely LOVE your mini-review! 🙂 I am so incredibly behind in this series so I skimmed the rest, but I’m thrilled that this gets 5 cups of coffee from you. Even more excited to catch up now! Lovely review 🙂
hehehe..I giggle every time I read it too 🙂
The cover alone makes me sort of want to read it, haha. Glad to hear you enjoyed it so much! So, is this the type of series that I would need to start from the beginning?
Gads yes the growth and saga is worth it.
Lily B
Cannot believe this series is coming to a close soon… cannot believe I haven’t read book 2 yet lol. I had a rough time with Rachel in book 1 but it’s kinda great to hear that she grew.
Yes, I did too she was a cry baby and acted rash..but she grows and matures and I am just so dang proud of her.
Lily B
Yeah that is why I did not like her. But you know I realized it was because she wasn’t perfect, she had flaws, she was so human and I was so not use to that in Paranormals!
You nailed it..she is very human and flawed but oh how she grows!
Angela Adams
Sounds like an interesting series. Thanks for the review!
It has been a blast Angela and I will be sad when it ends 🙂
This is yet another author I have been meaning to try for so long! I love how much the characters seems to grow as the series progresses and the romance sounds awesome! Now I have that K-I-S-S-I-N-G song in my head haha!
Not sure if you like eBooks but most of the earlier ones are 1.99 right now :)*sorry about the song* LOL
Lisa Miller
I absolutely love this series. Even after all of these books I am still excited about every new one! Thank you for reviewing!
Right! I love how these characters have grown and evolved Lisa 🙂
Melissa (Books and Things)
Dammit! *clears throat* Um… sorry… I just want to get into this series so much and I need more reading time! I have the first book.. yes only the first book… to read yet and it is sitting on my tbr glaring at me. I WILL catch up and devour this book as you have done. 🙂
Cannot wait till you are completely addicted to them. Did you know most are on sale as eBook for 1.99?
Like the sound of the romance and the good writing and characters
thanks Brandi, this series has been a blast and I will be sad when it comes to an end 🙂
Omg … I’m SO lame! I can’t believe how emotional I get while reading your review. *sigh* I’ve had a longer relationship with this series than I have with any man – lol. TEAM MORGAN!
You are not lame, these characters are like family. #TEAM MORGAN woot! woot!
I love this series as well and will be sad to part ways. I think it has only gotten stronger and stronger along the way and I am loving the relationships and the devlopment. I agree about Trent. I love him!
I agree we have seen the author and characters grow and change. My heart breaks just thinking about it coming to an end. We should have a huge party for the last book. Hmm, I think I will plan some kind of blog event like a hop where we each spotlight a character. *grins*
I’m not familiar with this series and it reminds me that I really need to get into urban fantasy. I love it when series still retain its awesomeness despite it being so long!
This series is wonderful as each time we see growth in the characters. Thanks Amir 🙂
Another amazing review! Granted it’s the second one I’ve read on the book, but you can’t go wrong with Kim! I LOVE this series and have been there ever since the release of book 2 when I decided to try the “adult” section at Borders; ie: I left the YA shelves which were riddled with nothing but contemps. I was to wait a few more years before Paranormal YA exploded onto the scene!
I looooove this series so much! Like you, at book 1 I never thought Trent would amount to anything other than nefarious villain…the pain the butt kind! And now he’s Rachel’s potential–and likely–love interest?! I am giddy with glee, of course we got those hints last year.
And sad sigh, I can’t believe the series is winding down already. It just amazes me. I am left shocked and speechless, but all
goodamazing series must come to an end so they are not needless drawn out. My copy is preordered and I cannot wait to read it!If it wasn’t for work, I’d camp out by my mailbox next week. But the paycheck does pay for books, so work I must.
If I haven’t already said it, GREAT review! Sorry for my rambling! I just love Kim’s books so much!
Enjoy Jessica and I am so glad you tried the adult section. Thanks for sharing your story and I love your ramblings..just loved them!
sherry fundin
I have seen this series around and the covers have always caught my attention. Sadly, I have yet to read any of the books. Fantastic review makes me feel like I am missing something really good. Thanks Kimba. More for my TBR!
This is a great series from the characters to the overall arc. Thanks Sherry!
I’m seeing this one all over the place lately, I definitely need to get back to this series Kim! I’m curious about her relationship with Trent, I left the series after things with Kisten, so I’m looking forward to watching that romance develop. Plus, I grew up in Cincinnati, so I pretty much have to finish this series out! *high five for Ohio*
Awe Kisten *wipes tear* Ohio, Ohio!
If I were to comment based on my level of excitement, I would be writing entirely in caps. But that’s annoying, so I won’t 😉 But let the record show–I friggin’ L-O-V-E this series, and this is Rachel and the cookie-maker’s book, I CAN FEEL IT. Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday!!
WAHOO! I friggin’ love your enthusiasm and feel your caps!
Braine Talk Supe
Glad you weren’t disappointed. Long series like this tends to slowly lack steam as more books are churned. I guess KHarrison is still inspired.
I tried reading book 1 a while back, didn’t quite get into it. I heard that they’re developing this into a series, I hope it doesn’t fall through. I think I’ll enjoy this better in the small screen.
that is the beauty of Harrison..her characters grow, the story evolves and it just keeps getting better 🙂
I read the first in the series, and adored it. I’ve even read part of the second book, but for some reason just set it down and never picked it back up. I do really enjoyed what I’ve read so far, and look forward to someday trying to catch up. LOL I’m so glad you enjoyed this, Kim. Great review!
hmm, you need to pick them up again Andrea!
It’s rare to see the 12th book in a series earn 5 stars so that’s a good sign! I’ve been told by countless bloggers that I really need to get on the Kim Harrison bandwagon. Maybe I’ll give the audiobooks a try. Thanks for the review!
*faints* wakes *rubs eyes and stares at you wide-eyed* Carmel the Queen of Urban Fantasy..you haven’t read? tried? this series?!? We need to fix that ..stat!
I know, RIGHT!? *hangs head in shame*
hehehe..I was just shocked is all. *hugs*
Debbie Haupt
Wow Kimba, high praise! You had me with your mini review. This is going on my pile
Ah Debbie I love my itchy-witchy!
I am happy that you loved this, especially with it being the 12th book. That just shows how good the series is. Great review.
thanks Jenea! hope you enjoy all those horror books you bought today *giggles*
I still can’t believe this series is almost over, I am embarrassingly behind and I need to rectify that!
hmm, Take Control would be a good place to start!
I love to hear that a series like this keeps going strong after 12 books. Everytime I see a review for a new release I get reminded that I really need to get pass book one..LOL.. I tried a few times, and I just can’t get to like the narrator, I know that if I get trough it I’ll make, sometimes a takes a few books to fall in love with their style…Shoot! Maybe I’ll give it another go today 🙂
Thanks Kimba.
so it’s the narrator? book one was a little rough to begin with, but gads does this series get better.
I’m so very jealous. I LOVE this series but was denied this eARC. *droops with sadness* But I’ll get to read it SOOOOOONNN!! Yay for kissing and an awesome addition to a wonderful series.
How could they deny you? All I can say is enjoy my friend it is worth the wait!
Woohoo! So glad you loved it! This is one of my favorite UF series. I have listened to every book on audio and this is the one I will be buying with my audible credit this month. I can’t wait to meet back up with all the fantastic characters in this series. By the way the audio versions of these books are wonderful. Great review! Now I’m even more excited to read/listen to this book.
Ooo Loupe will be glad to hear that, she struggled with the narrator for book one..I will let her know you love them. Enjoy Ginny!
Jennifer Bielman
Okay, I am a bad girl. I haven’t read the 11th book yet. I have it but have not gotten to it. So I couldn’t read your review but I am so happy this one turned out so great. I need to catch up!
Oh I loved the last book..squee Enjoy Jennifer!!!
Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)
This is the second review on this series I’ve seen over these past two days so I guess that’s saying something, eh?
Fantabulous review as always, Kimba! <33
This series rocks. That is all. Release day is Tuesday Melanie so I imagine you will see a few more reviews.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it that much. I love the author but I’m so behind *sigh*. Well I need to read book 7 but I really need more time to do so but I love the series as well. It’s great to see that even after so many books it’s still that good. It’s sad because they stopped the French release after book 5, I really liked the covers for the first ones.
I cannot believe they stopped releasing them in French..how horrible..I mean what if you cannot read English *faints* I think her books have only gotten better as they progress. The character growth has been amazing. Thank Melliane!
yes it was a really sad thing, they did that at the same time at the Kate Daniels. People were really sad… I’m glad I can’t read everything.
bummer 🙁
Wow, this sounds like a romantic action packed story! I love when an author can completely change you opinion of a character, that you’ve previously hated! It’s not easy, so that show how great an author is. Hope you enjoy the last book in the series when it comes out 🙂
Truly, on chat sites we would argue over the man for Rachel (books 1-6) and I so loathed Trent..hehehe.
This is one of my all time most favorite UF series. I’m behind though! I had been caught up (a few years ago now, apparently) and then got terrified for them to end so I let a few come out so I would always have some to read. Well, until they stop coming out and I catch up! LOVE Rachel!
Yes, the make it last syndrome..been there, done that..but you need to catch up so we can all share in our loss when it ends