The Angel Stone by Juliet Dark

September 3rd, 2013 Kimberly Review 69 Comments

3rd Sep
The Angel Stone by Juliet Dark
Angel Stone
by Juliet Dark
Series: Fairwick Chronicles #3
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

The Angel Stone weaves a tale of ancient folklore and thrilling fantasy with a passionate love story that transcends time. For Callie McFay, a half-witch/half-fey professor of folklore and Gothic literature, the fight to save the enchanted town of Fairwick, New York, is far from over. After a hostile takeover by the Grove—a sinister group of witches and their cohorts—many of the local fey have been banished or killed, including Callie’s one true love. And in place of the spirit of tolerance and harmony, the new administration at Fairwick College has fostered an air of danger and distrust.
With her unique magical abilities, Callie is the only one who can rescue her friends from exile and restore order to the school—a task that requires her to find the Angel Stone, a legendary talisman of immense power. Propelled on an extraordinary quest back to seventeenth-century Scotland, Callie risks her life to obtain the stone. Yet when she encounters a sexy incarnation of her lost love, she finds the greater risk is to her heart. As the fate of Fairwick hangs in the balance, Callie must make a wrenching choice: reclaim a chance for eternal passion or save everything she holds dear.

The door to the fairy world has been closed and Fairwick College is being ruled by Grove. Callie McFay a half-witch, half-fey college professor is working with her colleagues to stop this group and protect the students. Fey has been banished, new students have arrived and the new administrator had a secret agenda. Callie dreams of finding a way to be with Bill again.( the succubus she fell in love with) To save them she will need the Angel Stone, a talisman with extraordinaire power. The tale that unfolds was magical, and filled with suspense as we fight evil, travel in time and explore folklore.

Callie McFay is our protagonist and our journey with her hasn’t been an easy one. Her powers once bond have been released, and we see growth in her abilities. There are many things I both loved and loathed about Callie during this trilogy, but we see tremendous growth in her as a character in this final book. Gone is the wishy-washy persona and in its place is a more confident, take action heroine. Bill is back in her dreams and has a rather smexy Scottish accent. I loved their interaction, and appreciate how Dark gave us the back-story to our succubus. The other teachers, students, witches, Fae and vampires that come together to aid Callie made the tale quite enjoyable. My only regret is that some of the key secondary characters still weren’t completely fleshed out. Maybe I am selfish, but I wanted their stories as well. The villains are pure evil and I loved the legends behind them.

I absolutely love Fairwick College and the Honeysuckle cottage Dark uses as a setting. The woods were magical, and her use of folklore, Celtic legends, and supernatural creatures thoroughly entertained me. Ralph, a Cheetos eating door mouse is one of my favorites in the tale and he is quite the little hero..I dare you not to lose your heart to him. The quest for the angel stone and Callie’s trip to retrieve it was fascinating and offered us many answers to the mystery of our smexy succubus. Callie really transforms in this tale and makes Fairwick her home as she grows more confident in both herself and her abilities. The tales behind some of the creatures was fascinating and I like how Dark blended lore making them her own. I was quite pleased with the ending and felt Dark left the door open for more stories from Fairwick if she chooses to do so.

For fans of the Fairwick Chronicles, the Angel Stone was a rewarding conclusion. Fans of Deborah Harkness’s All Souls Trilogy will find this delightful. I am going to miss this enchanting setting and the characters who reside there.

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

69 Responses to “The Angel Stone by Juliet Dark”

  1. Lauren

    I keep hearing wonderful things about this installment in the series, even though I heard the second book is a bit of a letdown. Glad to hear it turns around! I’m behind but now I’m motivated to see it through to the end. I love the sound of the mythology and the supernatural elements, but I have a feeling that my heart is going to be stolen by Ralph. 🙂 Who could resist a heroic cheetos eating door mouse? Awesome review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I actually liked book two, despite Callie’s behavior ..oh and Ralph is too cute!

  2. Dani C

    I have the first two books sitting on my Paperwhite. I really need to get to this series!! Thanks for the review.

  3. Michelle

    I really need to read the second book! The first book was so good! I’m glad to see that you enjoyed this one and that it was a great conclusion.

  4. Jess

    Wow-that cover is gorgeous! I haven’t heard of this series before, but the use of Celtic legends, folklore, etc has me intrigued.

  5. Naomi

    Wow!! This sounds like a fun series!! I love a good Fairy book. Great review Kimberly, will have to check it out!

  6. Ginny

    Terrific review. I somehow missed this series but I loved Deborah Harkness’s All Souls series so I am definitely added this one to my wish list.

  7. Christy

    I’m glad I followed through with reading this book, because I was irritated with the last one. Thankfully it ended on a positive note with me. Honestly, though, I don’t think this author is really for me.

  8. Braine

    Liked All Souls, cant wait foe the movie, so if that’s the case I’m sure I’ll enjoy this if not more.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am over the moon excited about the movies too..cannot wait to see how they do the aunt’s house 🙂

  9. Lark

    Omigosh what a gorgeous cover!

    I first heard about these when book 2 came out, and I said to myself then that I would wait for book 3, because I was already waiting on too many series. Well, now it’s out, and Kimba loves it, and thinks All Souls Trilogy fans will enjoy it. . . so I’m bumping the books way up on my TBR list. Thank you for the great review!

  10. Heidi

    I just started this yesterday and am about 30% through. Really good so far and I am excited to finally get to know the grandma. I had no idea this was the final book already 🙁

  11. Carmel

    I read The Demon Lover but had trouble getting into the story. Maybe this series is worth a second look after all… thanks for the review!

  12. Kim { Book Swoon }

    Oh, this series sounds so amazing to me, and it’s one that I really want to read. (I’ve had my eye on it for awhile now.) The magical settings and Celtic legends sound amazing. Thanks for the great review Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I loved all of the elements, the setting and the magic, so I hope you get to read it soon Kim 🙂

  13. Kay

    I NEED to read these. They sound so interesting. I wish my TBR pile would magically get shorter. 🙂 Plus I am a fan of A Discovery of Witches so I really think I would like these books.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I hope you get a chance to try them, they were magical and I loved the college setting.

  14. diamond

    Great review >.< I love the covers of these books. I wonder if she will end up writing more stories in this series..seems like a lot of authors have been adding novellas in their series.

  15. Candace

    This series sounds really good! I’m not sure about her in the earlier books, she might have drove me nuts, but the plot sounds amazing. And since she had some great growth in this one that’s definitely a good thing. I’ll have to remember to watch for the first at the used book store or the library, I might really like this series.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Book one she was solid, book two she didn’t hold up well to the stress, and needed more backbone..but totally redeemed herself in book three 🙂

  16. SweetMarie83

    “There are many things I both loved and loathed about Callie during this trilogy, but we see tremendous growth in her as a character in this final book” – AGREED. I loved Callie in the first book but she really irritated me in the second. I was back to loving her in this final book. She seemed to have her head on straight, and I loved watching her growth. And you’re so right about Ralph – I absolutely adored that little guy! Great review, Kimberly, I’m really glad you enjoyed this trilogy too. 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yeah Callie did handle things so well in book two, but I felt for her. Thanks Marie 🙂

  17. Michelle

    Wow, I had no idea that there was a second or third book out yet for this trilogy. I am so behind. But I really like fairy books so this may be a series I need to check out now that my life has calmed down some.

    Thanks for the great review kimba

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    • kimbacaffeinate

      *waves to Michelle* glad to hear things are calming down and that you will get to these 🙂

  18. Sarah

    This is the first time I’m ever hearing about this series, but you’ve made it sound like something I should check out. 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      thanks Meg, these are filled with magic, if you stumble across one at the library, read a chapter and decide.

  19. Nick

    I have never really been interested in this series, but I like the sound of the growth in Callie’s character in the final installment. It’s a sign of the author’s talent.
    And a guy with a Scottish accent? Sounds very enticing!
    Great review, Kim! 🙂

  20. kindlemom1

    I LOVE LOVE Deborah Harkness’ All Souls Trilogy so I think this is one I would really enjoy as well. I think I have the first book but I need to check because if not then I see a trip to Amazon in my future. 😉
    Great review Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Oh so do I Ali, and yep look for these I think you will like them 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes, and I saw that you bought book one on very exciting!

  21. tonyalee

    I wasn’t the biggest fan of Demon Lover but I DID love The Water Witch. I forgot the final book was coming out!

    I’m glad you enjoyed the series and you were happy with the ending. Spin off you think?

    Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      That is too funny, most were disappointed in book two..but I am glad you continued and the series wraps up well 🙂

  22. Jennifer Bielman

    Happy to hear this series is going good for you. I had to stop at Demon Lover. It just didn’t do it for me. It was interesting but also boring.

  23. Jenea

    I really need to read this series, I even have the first two. It sounds so fascinating. Wonderful review.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I hear you, I have quite a few series where I have book one and two.

  24. Kimberly

    I love the covers for this series, they’re just so beautiful. I had the first book loaded on my phone while I was away on vacation but I never got around to reading it (and the Mister accidentally deleted it) so I have to borrow the e-book from my library again. Your review makes me wish I had read it sooner!