Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

March 13th, 2013 Kimberly Review 33 Comments

13th Mar
Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt
Going Vintage
by Lindsey Leavitt
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

When Mallory’s boyfriend, Jeremy, cheats on her with an online girlfriend, Mallory decides the best way to de-Jeremy her life is to de-modernize things too. Inspired by a list of goals her grandmother made in1962, Mallory swears off technology and returns to a simpler time (when boyfriends couldn’t cheat with computer avatars). The List:1. Run for pep club secretary. 2. Host a fancy dinner party/soiree 3.Sew a dress for Homecoming 4. Find a steady 5. Do something dangerous. But simple proves to be crazy-complicated, and the details of the past begin to change Mallory’s present. Add in a too-busy grandmother, a sassy sister, and the cute pep-club president–who just happens to be her ex’s cousin–and soon Mallory begins to wonder if going vintage is going too far.

When I saw the cover and read the synopsis for Going Vintage I knew I had to read it. This is a young adult contemporary about a teenage girl who tries to live exactly as her grandmother did in 1962 during her junior year of high school. She sets up a list of goals and ditches her cell phone and computer. This was sweet, had depth, humor and a cute guy or two.

The tale begins when we meet Mallory. She and her boyfriend are making out in his bedroom and she is making up excuses to slow him down, again! Today’s excuse is hunger, so while he is downstairs making chips and dip, she decides to start on his term paper. When Jeremy’s Facebook pops-up on the computer she accidentally discovers Jeremy has cheated on her with an online girlfriend. Heartbroken and inspired by a list of goals she finds written by her grandmother in 1962, Mallory decides to go vintage and complete her grandmother’s list. She turns off her phone, computer, and iPod. The tale that unfolded was funny, and chock full of lessons and insight.

Mallory was unique, funny, quirky and determined. I found her level-headed and loved that she constantly tried new fashion trends. She is still finding herself and this challenge helped her grow. Both she and her sister are hilarious and I enjoyed that their parents were present throughout the tale. Jeremy is the boyfriend who messed up, and the direction the author took with his thread was solid. Oliver is Jeremy’s cousin and his story-line and interaction with Mallory were sweet and spicy. He also marches to his own drum and such a nice change from the bad boys of YA. Both he and Mallory were refreshing, bright, and just downright good kids. Mallory’s grandmother was funny and helpful. The author gave us a good sense of the characters and the dynamics of Mallory’s family.

I am not sure I would want to live in 1962 just like I am not sure I want to relive my childhood of thirteen TV channels, no Internet, and ping-pong Atari but I loved the questions this tale raised. The author addresses social media, first love, and cheating. Her approach to these subjects was original and as she raised subtle questions and directly related them to Mallory’s issues. Mallory is a list maker; she makes lists for everything and they were hilarious at times. They usually appear at the beginning of chapters and offer additional insight into her character. I appreciated the flowing pace and author’s show not tell writing style. There really isn’t a romance, although there are some sweet moments, some uncertainty and a promise of things to come. It was tender and felt genuine. Overall the tale is original, sweet and funny and it ended on a high note.

Going Vintage was a delightful, funny well paced contemporary with characters I easily connected with. I think fans of contemporary issues, and chick lit will enjoy this. I look forward to reading more books by Lindsey Leavitt.

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

33 Responses to “Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt”

  1. Andrea

    This us the second great review I’ve read for Going Vintage in the last five minutes. It seems like a great story. I’m glad you liked it!

  2. kindlemom1

    I am glad you liked this one! I have my review coming up as well. I had similar thoughts about it.
    read though. Great review!

  3. Candace's Book Blog

    I really loved this one too! It was a lot of fun but still had depth. And Oliver was SO sweet!

  4. Sharon - Obsession with Books

    The 60s are definitely not for me – I would never last without internet 😉 This sounds fun and quirky, I think I’d like this one.

    A great review Kimba!

  5. Jen Ryland

    Yes, I definitely don’t want to live in 1962 and I was a little afraid that the book would act like that was “the good old days” before evil modern technology. Luckily, that was not the cast — loved this one!

    You can find me here: Jen @ YA Romantics

  6. Megan

    This sounds awesome– I really like romance, but I think I might enjoy reading something without it once in a while. 🙂 Mallory sounds like an amazing character, though a little neurotic, LOL! Oliver also sounds cool– when people choose to stand out like that, it makes for an amazing book, I think. Lovely review, Kimba! (:

  7. A Belle's Tales

    I love the sound of this one, and that cover is just too cute! Great review, my friend – I’m definitely going to give this one a read 🙂

  8. Kristilyn Robertson

    This sounds like such a sweet book! I think it would be interested to live in the 1960s … we’ve grown way too attached to technology these days! Might be nice to see a time when it wasn’t so prevalent. This one is definitely on my auto-buy list. 🙂 Great review!

  9. Barbara Walker

    *snerk* I remember staying up around the clock because my parents finally let me get a cable converter so that 13 channel television could get MTV. 😀 Uh..that was when I used my time machine, yeah. I thought this one sounded fun too – I’m hoping the kitsch and sweetness makes up for the lack of romance then. Always a wonderful review, hun.

  10. Debbie Haupt

    Great review Kim and what a great concept for a novel 🙂

  11. karina

    I really want to read this one too! I love vintage and this sounds like entirely my cup of tea (or coffee)! 🙂 Lovely review, Kimba!

  12. Holly B

    Aww, good review! I’ve been thinking this one looks good too. And now that you say she’s a chronic list-maker, well…hello, soul mate!! 🙂 However, I must say I’m sad to see that they changed the cover 🙁 Didn’t it used to be an old cassette tape?? I personally liked that one better…oh well. Oh, and I for one am glad to hear it’s not heavy on the romance!

  13. Holly B

    Hey, I have one of those time machines too!! In fact, I used it to go back to when MTV first entered the huuuuge lineup of channels!!

    Good comment, gave me a laugh. 🙂