Confession; I have mad love for the Weird Girls series and author Cecy Robson. When I got my hands on an early copy of Cursed by Destiny there may or may not have been a lot of fangirl squealing. Once again, Robson had me in her grips as she took me through this action–packed installment that gave us more of Aric and Celia while having us battle the Tribe. Mini review: My thoughts on closing the book-intense, kick-ass, action-packed and Cecy Robson is evil, evil, evil.

A Cursed Moon by Cecy Robson
Are you reading the Weird Girl series by Cecy Robson? You should be! This is a wickedly good, action-packed; make you pull your hair out urban fantasy. It is a story I cannot get enough of……..
A Cursed Embrace by Cecy Robson
With Cursed Embrace, Cecy Robson has been added to my favorite authors list and The Weird Girls series is one of my favorite urban fantasy series. Fans of Kim Harrison’s the Hollows series and Patricia Brigg’s Mercy Thompson series will devour Weird Girls. Robson delivered an action-packed tale with characters I instantly connected with. She took me on an emotional roller coaster ride and I want more! Three world review: Intense, heart-breaking and brilliant.
Big Bad Bite by Jessie Lane
I love a good paranormal romance and when you mix in some weres, shifters, demons and vampires I am a happy little reader. Author Jessie Lane asked me to review her novel Big Bad Bite and I am delighted that I did. While it wasn’t perfect, I enjoyed many elements and literally consumed this in a few hours.
Blood by Moonlight by Jocelynn Drake, Terri Garey, Caris Roane
I grabbed Blood by Moonlight a collection of three short stories surrounding All Hallows Eve for a number of reasons: 1. It’s the perfect way to check out an author I haven’t tried and 2. It’s perfect for bedtime, since the “just one more chapter” nightmare is guaranteed to end and I will get some shut-eye. I actually enjoyed all three tales and found them to be perfect reads for the spooky season.