Invisible by Carla Buckley

December 11th, 2012 Kimberly Review 1 Comment

11th Dec
Invisible by Carla Buckley

I was intrigued by the synopsis of Invisible and wanted to know what secret the sisters were keeping. This novel offered so many different elements; compassion, addiction, mystery, a cluster of unexplained illness, and an emotional journey. I became swept up in the tale, the characters and discovering the truth.

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The Winter Wife by Anna Campbell

December 8th, 2012 Kimberly Interview, Review 50 Comments

8th Dec
The Winter Wife by Anna Campbell

The Winter Wife: A Christmas Novella offers a tale of love and second chances. Anna Campbell has long wanted to do a Christmas novella and I quite enjoyed her first one. It’s the tale of an estranged couple either too proud or too stubborn to work things out and their chance encounter on a deserted Yorkshire road in the middle of a snowstorm. Maybe it was the magic of Christmas or fate that brought them together but the tale that unfolded was delightful.

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Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones

October 29th, 2012 Kimberly Review 24 Comments

29th Oct
Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones

I was tickled pink to receive an advanced copy of Fourth Grave Beneath my Feet. As soon as I receive a new book in the series, I lock myself away and consume it. My family is often startled at my sudden outburst of laughter, giggles and rants about Reyes and Charley. When I finish, I walk around in a state of depression, thinking about how long I have to wait till the next book is released. *sigh* That is until someone flashes a shiny book cover in front of me (I get easily distracted).

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Taking on the Dead by Annie Walls

October 14th, 2012 Kimberly Review 72 Comments

14th Oct
Taking on the Dead by Annie Walls

When I saw the cover of Taking on the Dead, I was immediately drawn to it. The chick is walking down a rural road carrying a huge knife and I immediately had to read the synopsis. Its book one of the Famished Trilogy and I got goosebumps! Throw in the living dead, a quest for answers and a mysterious guy and I was totally sold. I am delighted to inform you that Taking on the Dead delivered an action packed post-apocalyptic tale that has left me anxious for book two. Walls paints a beautiful picture of both the horrors and pleasures in a zombie infested world. Her characters came to life, and I found myself invested in their stories.

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