Embers, is the first novel in the urban fantasy series Anya Kalinczyk by Laura Bickle. The setting is Detroit and focuses on Anya Kalinczyk an arson investigator and physic medium known as a Lantern. She has the ability to see ghosts and crosses entities over who should not be here. This was an intense read as Anya with the help of her friends tries to stop an arsonist. I quickly consumed this novel and will be continuing the series.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith
I picked up Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith after seeing a trailer for the movie. I adore Abe and have always been fascinated by him. I have read several books based on his life, visited the cabin he was born in and gazed into his eyes at the national monument. I also happen to love vampires and decided I wanted to see the movie. I have a little personal rule that I read the book first; since it is always better. I find doing it in reverse spoils it for me. I found Seth’s take on Abe and American history to be highly entertaining. I love the format he used and the way in which he incorporated actual photos to support his story.
Blackout by Mira Grant
Blackout the final novel in the Newflesh trilogy was one of my most anticipated books of the year. I preordered my copy shortly after finishing Deadline with its mind-blowing ending. I literally consumed this novel. Grant delivered everything I hoped for and more. Fans will be captivated by this brilliant action packed novel.
Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Half-Blood is the first novel in the Covenant Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. In March, I brought you a review of Daimon (0.5) and you can read my thoughts on the prequel here. I picked up these books after reading some fantastic reviews by fellow bloggers. The Covenant series is an urban fantasy steeped in mythology. It has paranormal elements, a snarky protagonist, and complex world-building that captured my attention.
While it isn’t necessary to read …
Croak by Gina Damico
Croak is the first novel in a new series by debut author Gina Damico. I was immediately drawn to the cover of Croak. I love tales involving reapers and knew I had to read this. Damico offers us a fresh urban fantasy filled with mystery, suspense and a secret society of reapers. This novel is hilarious, perfectly paced, and highly entertaining.