Take A Chance by Jennifer Dawson is the first in her Something New contemporary romance series, and each can be read as a standalone. If you remember back, in December I shared my thoughts on The Winner Takes It All by Jennifer Dawson and that I had not realized it was the second book. I bought Take A Chance immediately and thanks to Take Control I dug it out of my TBR pile and oh lordy am I glad I did. I have one-word for you folks: Mitch.
Nonna’s Corner I Love You Through and Through
It’s time for Nonna’s Corner and today I am sharing I Love You Through and Through along with Minnie’s Garden den Premier Pack ‘n Play® Grab a cup of coffee and check out this bedtime story for your little ones…
Owl and the Japanese Circus by Kristi Charish
Owl and the Japanese Circus by Kristi Charish, is the first novel in the urban fantasy series The Adventures of Owl. Mythology, vampires, dragons, demons, elves and more combined with a spunky thief as our heroine had this novel providing one heck of a ride.
Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews
I am laughing to myself as I write this review. Its Christmas Eve morning and I have pies in the oven. I have been blowing through this series and loving every moment of it. No you’re not crazy, it is indeed March. I review ahead and thus here we are. *Finally* Magic Rising is the sixth audio in Ilona Andrews wildly popular Kate Daniels series and has us traveling to Europe. The audio was fifteen hours in length but it felt like four. Filled with angst, miscommunication and death once again Andrews held me captive as I listened to Magic Rising.
Dawn’s Early Light by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris
Gads, I just love the dynamic duo of Braun and Books in the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series. Dawn’s Early Light has them traveling to the Americas, in danger and advancing their partnership. James Langton is such an unbelievable pleasure to listen to and I just slip into the world. Steampunk, a suspenseful case, and deliciously good banter had me smiling.