A Trip to the Water’s Edge is a humorous chick-lit mystery. This is the second book in a series involving protagonist Mattie Mitchell and her faithful side kick, Clare Tibbitts.
The Baker’s Wife by Erin Healy
The Baker’s Wife is a suspenseful thriller steeped in religious overtones. What started off slowly quickly turned into a gripping mystery. I really enjoyed this novel of good verse evil.
Breaking the Code by Karen Fisher-Alaniz
Breaking the Code is a wonderful true story of a daughter’s quest to transcribe WWII letters written by her father. What started out as a gift to her children, became a journey of learning, healing, self-discovery, bonding and understanding.
Wrapped in Rain by Charles Martin
Some books leave their mark on the reader and this one touched me. When I first started reading, Martin’s imagery captivated me. The story, places and people came to life with each word I read. Wrapped in Rain focuses on the turbulent childhoods of Tucker and Mutt Mason. It is a poignant look at a childhood, steeped in violence, and the woman who helped them through it.
Sacred Evil by Heather Graham
As a fan of author Heather Graham, I am happy to report that Sacred Evil delivers. Sacred Evil is the third book in the Krewe of Hunters series. The FBI team is sent to help N.Y. Detective Jude Crosby. NYPD is investigating murders that are eerily identical to Jack the Rippers. The public is alarmed and news media around the globe are reporting, “Jack is back”.