The Caline Conspiracy by M.H. Mead is a science fiction novel, set in the not so distant future of Detroit. Mead spins an intriguing tale of suspense and mystery as her protagonist, PI Aidra Scott, sets out to prove a genetically created pet is innocent of a vicious crime. She captured my attention from the first few pages and I consumed this in one evening.
Intangible by J. Meyers
Intangible is the debut novel of indie author J. Meyers and I found it to be a refreshing twist. Meyers gives us a tale steeped in prophecy, danger, secrets, vampires and endless possibilities for future novels. I easily consumed this entertaining tale in a few hours.
Sound of the Heart by Genevieve Graham
The Sound of Heart by historical fiction romance author Genevieve Graham takes us from the sweeping hills of Scotland to the savage shores of America. When Graham approached me for this tour she had me at the words; Scotland and Highlander. I am delighted to say I wasn’t disappointed. She delivered an epic tale of hardship, history, and a romance that will captivate readers.
Life in the Land of IS by Bette Lee Crosby
Life in the Land of IS..the Amazing Story of Lani Deauville is a memoir written by Betty Lee Crosby about the life of Lani Deauillle. Last year I reviewed Betty’s novel Spare Change and loved it. When Betty approached me to review this, I was a little hesitant. I don’t particularly read non-fiction and especially something that might make me cry. I will always be thankful to Betty for asking me to review this. It is truly an inspirational story, of human courage and the power of living in IS moments. I laughed more then I cried, and Lani’s story touched me. It is the kind of story that stays with you.
Whisper of Memory Blog Tour
Today I am excited to be a part of the Whisper of Memory Blog Tour hosted by The Magic Attic. I will be sharing my review of The Waiting Booth book, one in the Whispering Wood Series and an excerpt of the second novel, Whisper of Memory.