It’s In His Kiss by Julia Quinn, narrated by Simon Prebble is the seventh Bridgerton novel and shares the romance of Hyacinth, the youngest and most outspoken of the siblings. A diary, hidden jewels and wicked banter made this tale delightful.
When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn
4th May
I am continuing my journey with the Bridgertons’ on audio. When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn shares the story of notorious rake, Michael Stirling, and Francesca Bridgerton. Quinn made me weep, laugh and hope as these characters suffered, stumbled and discovered.
The Oversight by Charlie Fletcher
15th Dec
The Oversight by Charles Fletcher is his first foray into adult fiction and a superb one. Beautifully atmospheric with multiple perspectives I quickly became spellbound as Simon Prebble delivered the narrative. The Oversight offers a fascinating and complex world as Fletcher weaves you into its pages.