The Witches of Echo Park is the first in an urban fantasy series by Amber Benson. The tale unfolds in Los Angeles and introduces us to a unique cast of female witches and a plot to eliminate them all. Spells, ghosts, threats and a unique coven drew me in. While at times it felt like young adult, I am very curious to see how it unfolds.
Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews
Magic Burns the second book in the Kate Daniels series has solidified this audio series as a favorite. While still gritty, Andrews’ added depth smoothed out some of the rougher aspects and endeared me to Kate. If you have not tried the Kate Daniels series, I urge you to do so. Magic Burns is fresh and original with a storyline and characters that will have you casting the real world aside and losing yourself within its pages!
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
I finally started the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews and I chose to begin them on audio. Magic Bites is the first in this wildly successful urban fantasy series. Magic Bites is chock full of dark paranormal creatures. Trust me there are no sparkles here. Raw, gritty with a kick-ass, take no prisoners protagonist Magic Bites offered a good introduction to this twisted world.
A Cursed Bloodline by Cecy Robson
A Cured Bloodline is the fourth book in Cecy Robson’s Weird Girls one of my current favorite series. It is urban fantasy series-featuring sisters who have unique abilities and takes place in the Lake Tahoe region. In A Cursed Bloodline, Robson splayed my heart open, chewed it and then carefully stitched it back together again.
Seventh Grave and No Body by Darynda Jones
I pre-ordered Seventh Grave and No Body the seventh book in the hilariously awesome Charley Davidson series and began reading it on release day. My intention as always was to savoir it. *hangs head* Yeah, as if. I came up for air at about 50%. My sides hurt from giggling and my nether parts from swooning over Reyes. I than decided a nap would allow me to savior it longer. *dreams of Reyes, yeah I can so handle that* Forty-five minutes later, I was back in the story and soon in tears because it was over. OVER. Now I have to wait until May 2015.*sobs* Oh, the cruelty of it all! Despite the frustration of having to wait for more answers, and more time with this motley crew of characters that I abso-friggin-loutely adored Seventh Grave and No Body was brilliant. Brilliant I tell you.