Narrated by Holly Jackson, Blood & Ash by Deborah Wilde offered a snarky protagonist and an interesting case as the first audiobook in the Jezebel Files series.
Lost Talismans and a Tequila by Annette Marie
Lost Talismans and a Tequila, by Annette Marie, delivered action, suspense, sibling trouble and passionate kisses. This is the seventh audiobook in the Spellbound series and holy misfired paintballs it was good.
Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews
Revelations, and an intense plot with plenty of swoons made Emerald Blaze pure perfection. I want to join House Baylor. Continue reading to find out why I love the Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews.
Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne
Set in the same world as the Iron Druid Chronicles, Ink & Sigil written by Kevin Hearne and narrated by Luke Daniels takes us to Scotland. There it introduces us to Al MacBharrais and his motley crew. Hearne delivered a fantastic first in Ink & Sigil series that left me grinning.
Change of Heart by Hailey Edwards
Change of Heart by Hailey Edwards is the third novel in the Potentate of Atlanta urban fantasy series. Edwards delivered suspense, romance and a touch of humor.