The Blood of Eden series by Julie Kagawa is a favorite and I was delighted to get my hands on Forever Song. It is the final dance with these beloved characters. Their dark world was one that held me captive as the characters stole my heart. Mini review: An action-packed, heart-felt, often hilarious ending to a fantastically brilliant series.
Gift of Prophecy by Lina Gardiner
Lina Gardiner’s Gift of Prophecy is a post-apocalyptic tale filled with strange creatures, a fearless girl, a prophecy and two brothers who must overthrow a ruthless ruler to save the world. Gardiner captured my attention from the first pages and held me riveted as she painted this world and brought her characters to life. Mini review: Captivating, colorful and action-packed.
The Wicked We Have Done by Sarah Harian
The Wicked We Have Done is the first in the Chaos Theory by Sarah Harian. If offers a Hunger Games like twist known as the Compass Room; an advanced prison test that determines your moral compass. While not without flaws this fast paced tale kept me engaged, and terrified. Mini review: Nine psychotic criminals, thirty-days, freakish tests and diverse crimes made this an intense ride.
Three by Kristen Simmons
Kristen Simmons Article 5 trilogy has been one I have thoroughly enjoyed and Three the conclusion was one of my most anticipated books this year. In a sea of trilogy endings that have been lackluster Simmons delivered. She left me satisfied and spent. Mini review: An exciting, moving and gripping ending to a well developed and engaging tale.
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
It’s over, and I want to cry. Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi was the last book in the Shatter Me series, and it has been one heck of a ride. From Mafi’s breathtakingly beautiful writing style to her characters that wrapped themselves around my heart this has been an epic journey. Mini review: Mafi delivered growth, choices, romance and a satisfying ending that left me with a smile.