Gilded by Marissa Meyer is the first in an as yet untitled series or trilogy and a haunting retelling of Rumpelstiltskin. Addictive, dark, and romantic, this fairytale will sweep you away and have you checking the phases of the moon.
🎧 The Dead Don’t Drink at Lafitte’s by Seana Kelly
The Dead Don’t Drink at Lafitte’s by Seana Kelly is the second audiobook in the Sam Quinn urban fantasy series. Narrated by Samantha Desz, Sam is still figuring out what she is when her vampire boyfriend find’s himself under attack. Come travel with Clive & Sam to New Orleans.
The Sound of Violet by Allen Wolf
The synopsis drew me to The Sound of Violet with its unique characters and situation. Second chances, forgiveness and relevant topics of autism and human trafficking you’ll want to grab a box of chocolates and enjoy this heartwarming romance.
Cloudy With a Chance of Dropbears by W.R. Gingell
Cloudy with a Chance of Dropbears is a novelette in the City Between urban fantasy series I listen to by W.R. Gingell. This tale was available through Kindle Unlimited, so I decided to read it before beginning the next audio in the series. A short and sweet story that was action-packed and a downright treat.
🎧📚 Rabbits by Terry Miles
An alternate reality, conspiracies, thriller…Rabbits by Terry Miles offered it all, and I gladly slipped into this freaky technothriller as we travel along with K in search of answers. Mystery, suspense and the search for patterns will pull you in….