Hexed by Kevin Hearne

January 25th, 2018 Kimberly Review 17 Comments

25th Jan
Hexed by Kevin Hearne

And I am addicted. I will tell you as I sit here writing this review for Hexed, the second audio in the Iron Druid Chronicles, that I have already devoured Hammered the third novel and downloaded the fourth novel, Tricked. Not since Kate Daniels have, I binged a series. Humor, action and itchy-twitchy witches made Hexed an addictive listen.

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Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant

November 13th, 2017 Kimberly Review 25 Comments

13th Nov
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant

*Shivers* Thank you, Mira Grant, for the nightmares. May I have another? Into the Drowning Deep is the first novel in the Rolling in the Deep series touching on mythology as it spins science fiction, and fantasy into a brilliant, terrifying oceanic horror story. 

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Rolling in the Deep by Mira Grant

November 1st, 2017 Kimberly Review 26 Comments

1st Nov
Rolling in the Deep by Mira Grant

When I received Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant for review, I knew it was time to grab my Kindle and read the prequel Rolling in the Deep. I absolutely love Grants blend of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. Rolling in the Deep was a dark, freaky, twisted tale on mermaids that sets up the first full-length book perfectly.

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