Narrated by the talented Nicole Poole, Quicksilver by Dannika Dark was a suspenseful, action-packed story as an invitation to a formal winter ball turns into a nightmare for Keystone. As this series nears its end, Dark delivers one of the best stories yet!
Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire
Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire is the second novel in the Alchemical Journeys Series, and it was a thrilling tale that pulled me in and never let go. Science, alchemy, and magic blend together in this delightful fantasy. Come meet new and old characters as the battle for Summer King and Winter Queen begins….
Tear Down the Throne by Jennifer Estep
As the second novel in the Gargoyle Queen, Tear Down the Throne by Jennifer Estep, was every bit as thrilling as the first from the forbidden romance to the wicked Queen. Come see why I love the world and characters Estep has created.
๐ง The Dragon of Sedona by Genevieve Jack
The Dragon of Sedona by Genevieve Jack is the fourth audiobook in the Treasure of Paragon series. We meet another sibling and enjoy their romance while the overall story arc continues bringing danger, suspense and updates on the other couples. If you love dragons, you’ll want to grab this series on audio!
๐ง Black Truth, White Lies by Hailey Edwards
Bureau series featuring Rue Hollis. She left the bureau ten years ago and carved out a quiet life in the small town of Samford. But trouble is in her backyard and she’ll have to handle it. Grab an iced coffee and see why I am loving this series….