Murder Road by Simone St. James

March 4th, 2024 Kimberly Review 11 Comments

4th Mar
Murder Road by Simone St. James

Simone St. James has become an auto-buy for me. Her mystery thrillers, horror stories, and ghostly tales have all been fantastic. Murder Road was an atmospheric tale about a series of missing person/murders along a stretch of highway in Michigan called Atticus Line. You’ll want to turn the phone off and dive in.

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Silence For the Dead by Simone St. James

January 31st, 2023 Kimberly Review 16 Comments

31st Jan
Silence For the Dead by Simone St. James

I am continuing my readings of Simone St. James backlist and I’m quite enjoying these historical ghost stories. In Silence for the Dead, it’s 1919, and Kitty Weeks has falsified her papers to get a remote nursing job at Portis House. The tale that unfolds is atmospheric and suspenseful, with a side of romance and plenty of supernatural elements.

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