I was a little nervous starting Sky Pirates the third book in Liesel Schwarz’s Chronicles of Light and Shadow. The second book, A Clockwork Heart, left me frustrated, but wow Sky Pirates brought back all of the elements I loved in A Conspiracy of Alchemists. Action packed, with lovable characters this steampunk has us traveling the world, and engaging in battles. The heroine Elle Chance is fantastic. She is kick-ass and determined. I don’t recommend crossing her.
Clockwork Heart by Liesel Schwarz
In February I read and enjoyed A Conspiracy of Alchemists the first book in the Chronicles of Light by and Shadow by Liesel Schwarz. So, when an ARC became available for Clockwork Heart, book two I immediately dove in. Schwarz took this tale to a darker level, with multiple POVs and left me writhing on the floor. Three word review: action-packed, dark and disappointing.
A Conspiracy of Alchemists by Liesel Schwarz
I get a little nervous when someone says a book offers a blend of genres as nine times out of ten one of those genres suffer and usually it’s the one I bought the book for. So it was with trepidation that I began reading A Conspiracy of Alchemists by Liesel Schwarz. My fears were quickly put to rest as I slipped into this delightful steampunk fantasy wrapped in paranormal and historical elements. I found I could not put this action packed tale down and quickly consumed it.