Max Abaddon and The Gate to Everwhere is the third novel in the Max Abaddon urban fantasy series written by Justin Leslie and narrated by Luke Daniels. Fantastic world-building, a likeable protagonist and plenty of snark make this series an autobuy.
Max Abaddon and The Purity Law by Justin Leslie
25th Feb
I was excited to dive into Max Abaddon and The Purity Law by Justin Leslie. This is the second audiobook in the Max Abaddon urban fantasy series narrated by Luke Daniels. Leslie delivered a fantastic sequel with plot twists and plenty of entertainment.
Max Abaddon and the Will by Justin Leslie
8th Jan
Narrated by Luke Daniels, Max Abaddon and the Will by Justin Leslie is the first urban fantasy audiobook in the Max Abaddon series. Fresh & humorous with fantastic world building, it hooked me from the start.