Dearborn by Jenni Moen

February 5th, 2016 Kimberly Review 48 Comments

5th Feb
Dearborn by Jenni Moen

I have read and enjoyed Jenni Moen’s contemporary romances and was eager to try her latest a paranormal romance. Dearborn is a standalone paranormal romance set in the world of Woodland Creek, Indiana. Woodland Creek is a town where the ley-lines attract all types of shifters and supernatural folks. Dearborn drew me in with its magical elements, secrets, romance and unique characters.

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Remembering Joy by Jenni Moen

September 17th, 2013 Kimberly Review 45 Comments

17th Sep
Remembering Joy by Jenni Moen

Remember Joy is a tale about revenge, forgiveness, loss, and love. Jenni Moen drew me in from the very first page and held my heart captive until the end. Fans of Ten Tiny Breaths and Sea of Tranquility will enjoy this heartwarming new adult romance. Three word review: breathtaking, captivating and an emotional ride.

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