Fear Collector delivered a suspenseful thriller about the ripple effect of Ted Bundy a notorious serial killer. Olsen takes us up close and personal into the lives of police detective Grace Alexander, her mother and an obsessed woman who loved Ted and thinks she is raising his son.
The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle
I was dying to get my hands on the Hallowed Ones and patiently waited for it to be released in eBook format since I set a goal to only buy eBooks in 2012. I even entered contests to win it! Grrr! I was so thrilled when I saw it on B&N and consumed this on Halloween Day. What a perfect read for All Souls Day. Bickle’s novel blends the Amish world with the vampire world in this post-apocalyptic novel and I loved every minute of it. The first in the Hallowed Ones series this offered up some horror, fascinating characters and set the stage for things to come.
My Top 10 Adult Reads for 2012
Coffee Pot Reviews:Unravel Me and Ella & Micha
Welcome to Coffee Pot Reviews! These are short and sweet reviews done in the length of time it takes my coffee pot to brew! Enjoy all of these New Adult reads I have discovered. New Adult is a genre between YA and Adult that features men and woman around college age and under thirty. They contain mature content and may not be for everyone.