The Murderbot Diaries written by Martha Wells and narrated by Kevin R. Free are addictive science-fiction novels with humor and suspense that offer the reader a plethora of questions to ponder about AI Intelligence. Rogue Protocol is the third novel and has our SecUnit struggling with performing his own mission and protecting humans who find themselves in danger.

? Birthday Suit by Lauren Blakely ?
If you’ve never listened to an audiobook delivered by a full cast of characters, Birthday Suit is the romance comedy to grab. A “friends to lovers” romance that will make you swoon and laugh performed by a brilliant cast of beloved narrators! Bravo to Lauren and to these talented voices!
White Night by Jim Butcher
White Night, the ninth novel in the Dresden Files narrated by James Marsters was high on magic and battle scenes that kept me up listening into the wee hours. Find out what happens when Harry’s number one suspect in a series of murders being written off as suicides.
In an Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire
My favorite of the Wayward Children to date, In an Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire sprang to life creating door that held me captive from its rules to the people who called it home. If you haven’t tried this fantasy novella series, I encourage you to do so. Perfect for listeners from 12 to 101.
Suspicious Minds by Gwenda Bond
Stranger Things was our first Netflix series binge, despite owning Netflix since its inception. I was excited when Suspicious Minds by Gwenda Bond, a prequel to the series came across my desk. The story takes us to 1969, Indiana and into the Hawkins National Laboratory where Dr. Martin Brenner is conducting LSD tests on college students for the CIA. Come along and meet test subject 008.