Sunday Post #576 Last Week of School….

May 21st, 2023 Kimberly Sunday Post 64 Comments

21st May

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme.

Help, if you enjoy YA or MG, please look at the tour for the Urban Boys. I need some blogs, instagrammers, youtubers, etc to fill slots for the June tour. I have audio credits for review stops and spotlight stops are welcome. This week was super busy but my hubby took me out to lunch on Thursday, which was nice. The Royals only have four days of school left! Did anyone else devour Queen Charlotte on Netflix? I loved it and cried like a baby. Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
This Week on the Blog
  • The Duchess Takes A Husband By Harper St. George (book review)
  • The Poisoner’s Ring By Kelley Armstrong (book / audio review)
  • Murder At Kensington Palace By Andrea Penrose (audio review)
  • Peril By Kat Martin, Alexandra Ivy & Rebecca Zanetti (book review)
  • Detective Death By Darius Ebrahimi (book review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

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A special thanks to Avon, Tantor Audio & St. Martin’s Press

Around The Blogosphere
Caffeinated PR

The YA Urban Fantasy audiobook tour is up….Would really love some support for this one. I also have a delightful historical fiction romance.

Link Up Your Edition Of The Sunday Post

Before you link up: Please be sure your weekly post includes a link back to Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Post

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

64 Responses to “Sunday Post #576 Last Week of School….”

  1. ShootingStarsMag

    It’s crazy that school is ending so soon for people! Exciting too though. Hope you all have some fun summer adventures. I am currently looking forward to the 3-day weekend. It sounds lovely.

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted: Review: Heart Haunt Havoc
  2. Katherine

    It’s always nice to take a minute for a lunch out during a busy week. Hope the Royals have a wonderful last few days of school and you have a great week!

    • Kimberly

      Unfortunately, I will not be reviewing since I (Caffeinated PR) am putting together the tour for it. I am hoping to find reviewers.

  3. Meezan

    Your schools get out for the summer almost a month before ours here in Maryland do. It makes sense to end the school year before Memorial Day. Have a great week! 🙂

    • Kimberly

      Jersey was the same, but out here in the midwest they start school the second week of August.

  4. sjhigbee

    I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that your children are about to break up for the summer! I suppose it’s because our weather here has been so cool and wet throughout the Spring – it doesn’t really feel that summer is just around the corner. Glad you had a lovely meal out together – I hope the coming week is a good one, Kimberly:).

    • Kimberly

      Right. They go back to school August 10th…so they are more than ready for summer

  5. Stormi

    Not sure if I have time for a review but I will sign up to spotlight the book for you. I do enjoy some YA and MG type books. 🙂

    Have a great day and happy reading!

    Stormi recently posted: Week in Review #35
  6. Sophie

    So far I have watched three episodes of Queen Charlotte and I loved it! I plan on watching the others today and next week!

  7. Jodie

    The end of the school year is much sooner in your neck of the woods ! Our school year ends at the end of June and restarts the Tuesday after Labour Day each year. Glad to hear you enjoyed Queen Charlotte! Have a wonderful week ahead.

    • Kimberly

      Yep, that is how it was when we lived on the east coast, but here it starts at the beginning of August and ends in May.

  8. Lover of Romance

    Aww love that your hubby took you out, thats awesome. If I read the younger age, I would definitely participate, but thats not really my cup of tea. I ADORED Queen Charlotte. The best they have done in my opinion. Yeah I cried so hard especially that last episode.

  9. Lori

    Busy week and wow only 4 days left of school. That went fast.

    I am looking for tour hosts too, mysteries! I have lost some due to health issues and retirement. Would love some new bloggers or seasoned bloggers too. 🙂

    Have a great week!

  10. Greg

    School’s almost done! Wow. This year flew by. Nice to have lunch out. Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend 🙂

  11. Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard

    Queen Charlotte is on my watch list, but I think I should probably watch Bridgerton first… and finish Picard and A Discovery of Witches, too.

    Are the Royals excited for summer? And three cheers for a date night!

    Also, thank you for the shout-out to my News & Notes post. 🙂