The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Our temperatures have been very fall like, with our first freeze on Friday. I had to close my windows in the evenings. The leaves are turning, and I have been enjoying pumpkin spice coffee. Both read-a-thon sign-ups are posted. I hope you join in the fun. I gifted myself 24 months of Kindle Unlimited for $143.00. (birthday cash for the win) They have a 6 and 12-month plan. If you already have it, the gift will start after current plan ends. If you want to check it out, here is the link: Kindle Unlimited Gift Subscription. Annndd then Saturday my kindle wouldn’t charge. The light stayed orange. Despite all efforts, it died. R.I.P Oasis. What timing. SMH. You shall be missed. Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- 🎧 The Bullet That Missed By Richard Osman (audio review)
- A Turn Of The Tide By Kelley Armstrong (book review)
- The Good-Bye Girls By Juliet Domvile (book review, guest post)
- 🎧 The Book Haters’ Book Club By Gretchen Anthony (audio review)
- Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon Sign Up (event)
This Week on the Blog
- 🎧 Dead Man’s Hand By James J. Butcher (audio review)
- 🎧📚 The Akseli By Dianne Duvall (audio review, giveaway, spotlight)
- The Fossil Hunter By Tea Cooper (book review, guest post)
- Voice Of Fear By Heather Graham (book review)
- Spooky Cover Challenge #2022FraterfestRAT (challenge, event)
- Fraterfest Readathon Kickoff (event)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- Conquer the Kingdom by Jennifer Estep
- Dead Man’s Hand by James J. Butcher
- Home Sweet Christmas by Susan Mallery
Special thanks to Harper Voyager, Penguin Audio and Harlequin
Around The Blogosphere
- Hallowtween Readathon October 1-31st. Middle Grade hosted by Storm Reads
- COYER Sign up for Fall!!! Time to Sign up, Fall COYER Starts October 1st @Reading Is More Fun
- Fraterfest 2022 Readathon October 14th-24th
- Thankful for Books Giveaway Hop November 21-28th
- #HoHoHoRAT2022 Readathon Sign Up! November 18-30th
Caffeinated PR

I’ve got two events coming up and have ARCs and ALCs available.
Link Up Your Edition Of The Sunday Post
Before you link up: Please be sure your weekly post includes a link back to Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Post

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yay for a nice Kindle Unlimited deal, but sorry about the actual Kindle!!!
I’m excited for Fraterfest. I’m all about the spooky and Halloween reads this month.
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I hope you have enough birthday money left over to buy yourself a new Kindle.
Wishing you a great reading week
hope you got a new Kindle now … now that you have the 2 year plan 🙂
I do want to read the Book Haters Book Club…
Oh no! So sorry about your Kindle. I think they may be on sale starting tomorrow so the timing might not be too bad. Have a great week!
Ohh I can’t wait for Conquer the Kingdom! I’ll try to ask for it!
Carole @ Carole's Random Life
Oh no! I have had my Oasis for 5 years and it has been a workhorse for me. I have other Kindles but I would be sad without that one. I can’t wait to read the new Jennifer Estep book.
Anne - Books of My Heart
I'[m hearing of freezing in Minnesota and Ohio also. It normally won’t freeze here until November and we still have produce growing. I’ve been listening to Dead Man’s Hand this week and will look forward to your impression. I’m sorry about the Kindle. My first one was awesome but eventually wouldn’t charge. All the ones after were so slow and turning pages was tedious. I use my phone now which I always have with me anyway and it very fast and easy to use the Kindle app.
Cindy Davis
My Kindle Fire did that to me not so long ago. I bought a nice Kindle Paperwhite (waterproof) and I hate it. I just don’t find it as user friendly. I hope you are able to find a new Kindle to love. Have a great week!
aww I’m sorry your Kindle died! talk about timing indeed!
Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem
Boo to your kindle dying! That really sucks especially with the timing.
Thanks for the heads up on the kindle unlimited sale. I usually get a 12-mo for my grandmother at Christmas. She got a kindle a few years ago and absolutely loves it. I got a 24mo for myself as well 😉
Hope you have a great week!
sherry fundin
‘Funny’ how that happens. I am lucky to have won several giveaways and have plenty of spare kindles. I still have my very first one. Mr Wonderful bought it for me when they first came out. Happy reading!
Mary Kirkland
Oh no. I still have a old Kindle Keyboard that I use but I have a Kindle that’s only a couple of years old too in case the other stops working.
Ohmygosh yes! The timing of things astounds me at times. I hope you were able to replace your reader so you can enjoy your unlimited!
Yes… we’ve had a couple of night-time frosts here. But the temperature during the day is regularly still hitting the mid-60s, which is amazing for the time of year. I’m loving it as our fuel bills this winter promise to be horribly high – so any spell of weather that means I don’t have to turn on the heating is a massive win:)). Have a great week, Kimberly.
I am just not ready for the colder weather. We went to my grandson’s football game Friday night bundled up to the gills and after we got home I just couldn’t get warm. I was definitely born in the wrong state.
Sorry about your Oasis 🙁
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
I have a monthly subscription to KU and I think it’s $9.99 a month? I’ll have to check, but I have Prime so maybe it was cheaper? Maybe I’m being charged more money for it, though. I haven’t looked in a while. Bummer about the Kindle! I hate that.
We’re still having sunny days with temps in the 80s but it cools down to 50 at night. Next week the temps drop. The fall colors have already started though and I’m so excited! Have a lovely week, Kimberly! 🙂
$9.99 is the monthly fee, but you can gift this deal to yourself. It comes out to about 5.99 per month for 24 months and saves you $100+ dollars.
Oh noo, sorry about your Kindle. Other than that, all this fall vibe makes me want to experience fall at least once. There is no winter or fall where I live.
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
I’m loving having the fall weather finally! Although today and tomorrow are supposed to be up to 80 again. Ugh! Hope you find a good deal on a new Kindle. I gave in and bought one when my last Nook finally wasn’t really staying charged long enough to read for very long. Have a great week!
So sorry that your kindle has worn out. I just bought a new paperwhite after my ten-year-old one died a few months ago. I hope you have a great week.
Mareli @ Elza Reads
Hi Kimberly!
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about the Oasis’s passing… My trusted, 9 year old Kindle is also on its last legs. But we are pushing through as much as we can…
Of course I’ve signed up for Fraterfest! Won’t miss it for the world. And I see you have a kitty for the ho ho readathon….! I can’t resist…… Will sign up after Fraterfest!
Have a good week ahead!
Lover of Romance
Oh and thank you for the gifting KU subscription. I have been wanting to switch over to the 6 month or yearly plan but had a hard time finding it on Amazon (they most definitely don’t want us saving money on it) haha I will definitely use that.
Lover of Romance
I saw what happened to your Oasis on Facebook. I think they are coming out with a new one but not sure. I am not sure what I would do if my oasis died, I like the shape and look of the oasis more than the other versions but the latest version looks different than the one I have. But I think they are coming out with a new model for the Oasis soon. I am tempted to get the paperwhite just as a backup.
I am loving the fall weather too, our nights are cooler and I love being able to open my windows for fresh air now. Our mountains are already changing colors in the leaves.
My Oasis was the one with the charging cover. I got their newer one and sent it back. I hated how big it was and it didn’t fit it my hand as well. Plus the battery life sucked. I am curious what the new one will be like.
Book Babe
Oh no, not your Oasis! I saw that there’s a new Kindle model coming out soon. Maybe time for an upgrade if you can spring it. 😊
We had a pretty mild autumn weather week here, no freeze yet either. I am enjoying all the fall colors. That’s great you used your birthday money to buy a KU subscription for yourself. Too bad about your kindle dying :(, having your ereader stop working is the worst. I hope you can get a new one soon.
Sophia Rose
Great idea for a birthday gift, but bummer on the Oasis. We’ve had frost a few mornings, too. Leaves just started turning.
Looking forward to the RATs.
Have a good week, Kimberly!
Oh I’m sorry about your Kindle! I’ve been eyeing the Kindle Scribe for it’s screen size. I have a big birthday coming and I might just have to treat myself despite the inflated price. I love Susan Mallery’s books and Home Sweet Christmas is part of my 15 Books of Christmas 2022 challenge! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
S. J. Pajonas
Oh no! Talk about poor timing. I’m sorry to hear your Oasis died. I love my Paperwhite and if it died, I would buy another one immediately. Lol. It’s also colder here too. I’m slowly getting used to it.
Jessica @ a GREAT read
That just sounds like a horrible visit from fate! Sorry to hear the Oasis is no longer with us right when you got the unlimited! I guess it was too much excitement for it! Lol. Hope you get a new one soon!
Nice new reads! I can’t wait to read that one of Estep’s! I’m excited to see how the series will end! Happy Reading!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
A Voracious Reader
Our temps are actually Fall-like which is a surprise. Sorry to hear about your Kindle. 🙁 I want to read Dead Man’s Hand. I look forward to your review.
Ugh about the Kindle dying. Funny enough I have a Nook but use the Kindle app on it for reading lol. I can’t wait for Fraterfest. Have a good week!
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
Crazy timing! Maybe you were meant to buy a new Kindle?
I can’t wait to get fall weather here! It’s been warm in the day but cool at night. I’m ready for sweater weather!
I’ve been thinking about that KU deal and I think I’m ready to take the next step.
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
Oh boy, how ironic that your Kindle died when it did. I’ve yet to upgrade to the Oasis. I had 2 or 3 Kindle Fires over the years and then last year switched to the Paperwhite. Jealous of your fall weather. It was 86 here yesterday. Ugh!
Louise Hallett
A couple of times my kindle battery has shown signs of being on its last legs, needing charging repeatedly. Thankfully, it hasn’t died on me yet, but I dread the day it does.
Kimberly, I bet it’s a plot by Amazon for you to buy their brand new Kindle where you can take notes etc 😉
I saw that one…. not sure I need all that…lol
It was like your kindle knew and said, “No way. You work me hard enough as is.” Maybe there’s enough birthday money left to buy a new one? The weather has been wonderful where I am too. Have a wonderful week!
Taylor @ Taylor Fenner’s Bookish World
When I came out of work on yesterday morning I could have sworn my coworker’s car was covered in snow, the frost was that thick. But they pick on me for turning up the heat while I’m working 😆 sorry to hear about your kindle! I mainly use the kindle app on my phone or iPad so I haven’t turned on my kindle in forever.
Laurel-Rain Snow
Oh, so sorry about your Kindle! I always worry about that happening so I bought an extra one, just in case. Unfortunately, I don’t like it that much, as it is a different version, so I hope my Kindle doesn’t die. Have a lovely fall week!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
I”m debating whether or not to join the Ho Ho Ho readathon. I’ve wanted to for years and I might actually be able to this year.
I’m sorry about your Oasis. I love KU. I’m debating whether or not to add onto my current subscription. Those are good prices.
Have a great week!
I hope you join. We have a lot of fun and it gets me in the mood for the upcoming holidays.
Oh no about the Kindle! Always something. It’s been very fall like here too, and the leaves are starting to turn now as well.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Kelly Lyn @ Lifestyle of Me
that sucks that your Kindle decided to quit after you spending money on KU. Hopefully you can find a way to read some kindle books a different way.
Thanks Kelly.