Ren: The Monster’s Adventure by Sarah Noffke

April 23rd, 2020 Kimberly Review 14 Comments

23rd Apr
Ren: The Monster’s Adventure by Sarah Noffke
Ren: The Monster's Adventure
by Sarah Noffke
Series: Ren #4, Dream Traveler #4
Narrator: Tim Campbell
Length: 3 hours and 10 minutes
Genres: Fantasy
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.4x

Ren Lewis has seen it all, or so he likes to think.
He’s encountered every danger known to man. Due to his powers as a Dream Traveler and unstoppable work ethic, he’s experienced more than any human alive. But Ren is about to have a brand new experience.

He’s being dragged on a family vacation.

When a life altering event falls on Dahlia and Ren, he agrees to take a break from work and explore the West coast with his family. But since not everyone in the Lewis clan can dream travel, Ren is forced to endure regular Middling travel in a car.

This vacation from hell is actually a spiritual excursion meant to pull the demons out of Ren. The most powerful man in the world is stripped from his element and visited by three wise women whose jobs are to make him come to terms with his past, present and future.

This is a Christmas Carol retelling using a modern day Scrooge.

fantasy Family smartfunny snarky

Remember, I said, the last book felt like the end of the series? Well, Ren: The Monster’s Adventure by Sarah Noffke delivered from laughter to tears as Ren and his family go on vacation! Snark, goats and twists had me devouring this in a single night!

A family vacation for Ren. Poor uptight Ren. This was hilarious, from clothing issues to squabbles. It also had some serious tones as Ren has to deal with some heartbreaking, unimaginable news. We see a whole other side of Ren on this vacation.

I cried, laughed and realized just how much I care about these characters. Noffke has done a splendid job with the world, characters and situations. Placing Ren in situations that involve spontaneity, bonding and adapting was brilliant.

This series has unexpectedly become a favorite, and I am nervous about the final audiobook. Ren can be difficult, but the more you get to know him the more you understand what drives him and what lies beneath all the impossible snark and attitude.

Tim Campbell narrates and has become the voice of Ren and secondary characters like his daughter and Dahlia. Pack your bags and travel with Ren, you won’t be sorry.

As with most fantasy series, this is best listened to in the order of its release. With all that we learned, I am placing my faith in the author for an ending I can live with. Look for my review of Ren: The Monster’s Death in May.

Pack your bags and travel with Ren & his family in Ren: The Monster's Adventure by Sarah Noffke. Narrated by Tim Campbell #audiobook #fantasy Share on X
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

14 Responses to “Ren: The Monster’s Adventure by Sarah Noffke”

  1. Felicity Grace Terry

    For some reason I’m really drawn to the cover of this one. Whilst wary of starting any books that form anything other than a trilogy and bearing in mind your recommendation that this is is best listened to in the order of its release, despite this being book 4 already I may well take a gamble on what sounds like a fun series.

  2. Jen

    I don’t think I’ve heard of this series, but this “special” sounds fun! I’ll have to looking into it. Thanks!

  3. Sophia Rose

    The fact that the characters got under your skin and drew out all the emotions particularly Ren bodes well when I get a chance at this series. Hope your last one ends it on a fab note.