Freak of Nature by Julia Crane

January 2nd, 2014 Kimberly Review 77 Comments

2nd Jan
Freak of Nature by Julia Crane
Freak of Nature
by Julia Crane
Series: IFICS #1
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Donate Body to Science. Check. When seventeen-year-old Kaitlyn checked the box, she never suspected she’d have her life–and her body–stolen from her. She awakens one day in a secret laboratory to discover that her body is now half-robot and is forced to hide her own secret: that she still has human emotions and a human mind. If the scientists who made her find out, they’ll erase what remains of who she was. Kaitlyn finds an unlikely ally in Lucas, a handsome, brilliant scientist who can’t get over the guilt he feels knowing she was once a vibrant, beautiful young woman. He never expected a science project to affect him the way she does. As he tries to help her rediscover her past, he finds himself falling for the brave girl struggling to find her place and acceptance between the human and computer worlds

Freak of Nature by Julia Crane drew me in with its gorgeous cover and gripping synopsis. The idea of cyborgs and robotic limb replacement fascinates me. As the first book in the IFICS series, Freak of Nature, offered an engaging beginning but left me wishing for more depth. Mini review: a light science fiction read wrapped in a good romance.

Seventeen year old, Kaitlyn checked the box on her driver’s license donating her body to science in the event of her death. She awakens to find herself changed into a human cyborg and spends her days in a sterile clinic undergoing testing and training under the care of Dr. Matthew Harrington, Professor Adams and boy genius Lucas Andrews. They treat her like a machine, believing they have erased her memories and cut off human emotion…but they are wrong. Kaitlyn confides in Lucas and together they must find a solution before she is sold as a military weapon. The tale that unfolds is a fast paced, entertaining read.

Told in alternating POV’s we get inside the heads of Kaitlyn and Lucas. Kaitlyn is strong, accurate and unstoppable as a cyborg. The perfect weapon, but unbeknownst to her creators she experiences emotions, dreams and is physically attracted to Lucas. I adored Kaitlin, who comes off as naïve since her previous memories, have been cut off. She struggles with clichés and slang but is clever enough to realize she needs to keep this part of herself a secret. She handles her circumstances logically, and without complaining which was refreshing. Lucas is a very young, totally cute geek and he struggles with his attraction to Kaitlyn. He is having doubts about the ethical aspects of the project and suspects Kaitlyn is holding back. The romance was sweet, and while they have known each other since the project began, it does go from zero to sixty after the first kiss. Quess is perhaps my favorite character. She is the fourteen year old granddaughter of the professor. Witty, smart, and perhaps a rule breaker she speaks her mind. The professor and Dr. added mild suspense and added to the tale.

Freak of Nature and the IFICS is such an interesting concept, and while this is light on science fiction jargon Crane intrigued me with Kaitlyn and her skill set. I enjoyed getting both Lucas and Kaitlyn’s perspectives as we gained insight into their emotions. The romance is sweet, and Lucas takes risks to protect her. Despite developing fast, the romance was sweet, and I certainly rooted for them. The tale is surprisingly low on angst and conflict especially considering all that happens. Crane’s writing just flows from the pages, and she kept me engaged from the very first page. A new character is introduced towards the end and is shrouded in mystery that can be perceived as a threat. After a lackluster resolution, this event has me excited to continue. It is my hope we will see more depth to in this promising series.

A solid start to a new series, Freak of Nature offers a light science fiction romance with the promise of exciting to come. Fractured Innocence the next book in the IFICS series has Fractured Innocence has released.

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

77 Responses to “Freak of Nature by Julia Crane”

    • kimbacaffeinate

      You are quite welcome, and I love the whole concept, I am looking forward to reading book two 🙂

  1. Dani

    This does sound like an interesting concept and I can’t wait to get read it! Thanks for the review!

  2. Michelle

    I’m really hoping I have this one my kindle already because it sounds great! It’s such a cool concept!

  3. Tonyalee

    Great review! I love the idea behind this one. It sounds like a super quick read, which is nice every once in awhile.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Agreed this is a perfect in-between read or Sunday afternoon it’s too dang cold to go outside read..LOL

  4. Sharon - Obsession with books

    I would buy this book just for the amazing cover alone 😉 the premise sounds really intriguing! I’m pleased you enjoyed this Kimba.

    A lovely review!

  5. Ginny

    I love this cover and the story line is fascinating. It sounds like it was a little lighter than what you expected in the SF area.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes when compared to other in the genre this is light and fluffy, but a fun, fast read with potential as a new series.

  6. Lily B

    Okay the cyborg part is interesting I been looking at this book forever but have not started yet. The lack of depth honestly scares me a little.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It has enough world-building but its simplistic, it was a fast read and shows promise of becoming more intense.

  7. kim { Book Swoon }

    I’ve been curious about Freak of Nature ever since I saw that awesome cover. Glad to know the series is off to a good start. I like a lite science ficton and romance- keeping it on my list. Thanks for the great reaview Kimba. 🙂

  8. Berls

    This cover captivated me the first time I saw it and I’ve been watching reviews ever since. Its gotten such a mixed response that I’m even more curious! I have so many books ahead of it on my list, but I’m glad you ultimately liked it – hoping I will too when I finally get to it!

  9. Kristin

    What I want to know is how the scientists got a hold of her body? Did they kidnap her? Did she die? Hmmmm…

    This is the first I’m hearing about this book! I’m adding it b/c I always enjoy sci-fi and I never have a problem with insta-love. I think that’s because I felt it once so I know it can happen. 🙂

    Great review!!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      The synopsis hints at a donor card and checking yes. We do get the full story in the book.

  10. Pamela D

    The premise of this book sounds totally redonculous. I am glad to hear that the book itself is good. 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I don’t know, we are doing limb transplants and hooking brains up to computers for I wouldn’t dismiss the premise entirely. lol

  11. Adriana

    Hmmm… I have this on my TBR list. I’ve heard good things but, the words naive and zero to sixty after the first kiss have me a little worried. It does sound interesting and a like a complicated yet sweet romance so that’s good.
    Thanks for your review. Helped me to keep it on my mind (:

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It is easy to overlook since they both have been secretly mooning over the other for three years..LOL

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This is a fast, light cute read. Perfect for after a heavier or dark read. I read it in about an hour and half 🙂

  12. Lindy

    This story sounds interesting, and that cover is crazy! I’m glad that the writing made the story fly of the pages for you. Hopefully, you will find the depth and resolution that you are looking for as you continue with the series. Beautiful Review!!!

  13. Christy

    I am all about donating my body to science, so this sounds interesting. I want to be turned into a cyborg. lol. No, seriously, that would be cool.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am thinking it would too, but not sure I would want to be a weapon and retain my memories

  14. Jess

    This cover is fascinating! I love the font of the title. 🙂 The story sounds interesting and easy to follow. I am glad the book ended with you being excited for the next book in the series. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Heidi

    Happy New Year, Kimba! I am finally back. I have been meaning to read this one for awhile. I grabbed it when it was a freebie awhile back and I always like supporting solid indie writers. I am glad that for the most part it was a solid and engaging read for you. Here is to a new year full of terrific books!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Your back..Happy New Year! I hope it rocks for you. I am away on a road trip with my peeps and will be back Sat. Of course I cannot seem to not comment on the blog..LOL

  16. Braine Talk Supe

    Well that’s a good surprise for me at least that it’s more romance than sci-fi. Sci-fi isn’t exactly my genre with a few minor exceptions. Still I don’t think this novel is exactly for me even if it’s more romantic than what the cover art and blurb hints.

    Hopefully the next one will have the depth you’re looking for 🙂

  17. Jenea

    I went on a buying spree a while back and picked this one up. Sounds like it will be worth reading, I like the sounds of the science fiction aspect and Kaitlyn and Lucas sound like they will be great to get to know. Great review.

  18. Michele

    I’ve been fascinated with this cover since the first time I laid eyes on it! I was so excited to see your review go up! I love how sweet the romance sounds, and you totally hooked me with Lucas being a cute geek. Okay, you book pusher, you — I’ll bite. Thanks for the fantastic review, sweets!

    • kimbacaffeinate pusher 🙂 I need a coffee mug that says that 🙂

  19. Lark

    Great review, Kimba! It’s an intriguing concept. I’ve been eying this one, but like Gabby, I’m not sure I can fit it into my already way-overloaded TBR list. I think I’ll wait to see how the whole series develops.

  20. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    Wow, that cover is gorgeous! And low and angst and conflict is exactly what I need these days. You used the magic words! I just can’t handle angst right now.
    Anyway, I’ll go ahead and buy this one, I know I’ll enjoy it.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Happy new year, my friend!

  21. Candace

    Light sci-fi definitely appeals to me. I have been meaning to read this author too. I don’t like that once the romance begins it goes fast, but it might be something I can overlook. This might be a book I enjoy, I’ll keep it in mind!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      since they crushed on each other for 3 years it can be overlooked.

  22. Nick

    For some reason, YA sci-fi books hardly ever work for me, so even though I thought this had a pretty cover, I skipped it. Your review has me rethinking my decision because I love the sound of the main character since she seems smart. It’s a shame about the romance developing too fast though. I don’t handle those well, but if I go in expecting it, they don’t bother me as much.
    Lovely review, Kim! I hope you’re enjoying your stay in Denver.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Nick it is light on science fiction and since they were both secretly crushing on each other for 3 yrs it wasn’t too bad. We are having a blast, we went to the Colorado Museum, 16th Street Market and Hammond’s candy factor today. Tonight we go to the Flyers game 🙂

  23. kindlemom1

    I have been hesitant to pick this one up because of the whole cyborg thing but your review has me super curious now Kim. I just might have to take a chance on this.

    Hey, did you see I signed up for the TBR pile challenge? I am so excited!!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      She is human too which helps. I did see you signed up, I am on vacation in Colorado so responding to things has been slow for me 🙂

  24. Jenny

    Oooo never heard of this one before Kim, but it sounds right up my alley! So glad to know it’s low on the angst, I love YA books so much, but sometimes there’s just too much angst for me to deal with. It makes me extraordinarily happy when I find one with a beautiful (if fast in this case) romance that’s low on the drama. Wonderful review as always!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      thanks Jenny this was a solid read 🙂 I hope you grab it 🙂

  25. Mary

    Definitely an interesting concept! So, is she all robot? Well, except for her emotions. Boo about the ending but, since it continues on, hopefully it will pick back on up where it left off.

  26. Andrea

    That is a gorgeous cover, and very interesting premise. I would probably enjoy this a bit more bc it is lighter on the SciFi.
    Thanks for the helpful review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I think the light sci-fi will allow this to cross genres:)

  27. Gabby

    The cover is just so beautiful. Hopefully it can fit into my already large 2014 tbr pile. Glad you enjoyed it

    • kimbacaffeinate

      thanks Jen, I won’t lie the cover is what made me read this..LOL

  28. Angel

    I really enjoyed Freak of Nature as well. I was really surprised with it, I didn’t think it would have been as good as it was. I agree with the romance that he moved fast after they kissed but them again I really really liked it. They were so cute together

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am so glad you enjoyed this too. Book two is on kindle now 🙂