The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine offers up a splendid fantasy with dragons and a kick-ass version of Snow White. I easily slipped into the world and Redwine’s twist on this classic childhood story.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
Cinder earned a spot on my top ten young adult reads in 2012 making Scarlet one of my most anticipated reads for 2013. The dystopian world and characters she created in Cinder captured my heart. Scarlet hailed as a companion book offers a retelling of Red Riding Hood and drops her right into Cinder’s world; it was captivating, original, filled with danger and I loved every minute of it.
Jacob T. Marley by R. William Bennett
My friend Dave, recommended Jacob T. Marley to me and I quickly added it to my wish-list. Then, a Goodreads group that I belong to chose it as their December Book of the Month. This was all the excuse I needed; so I purchased the eBook version of it. I am a huge fan of Dickens and was immediately intrigued by the synopsis. I am happy to report that this book was simply delightful. Bennett does a remarkable job of emanating Dickens and offers us a fresh tale about Scrooge’s partner Marley