Of Poseidon by Anna Banks

May 4th, 2012 Kimberly Review 1 Comment

4th May
Of Poseidon by Anna Banks

Of Poseidon is the debut novel of author Anna Banks. It is the first in a new paranormal series, filled with mythology and legends of the fall of Atlantis. Of Poseidon is beautifully written. It delivers romance, suspense and an interesting twist on merpeople. While I felt the content was more geared towards a younger YA audience, I enjoyed the tale and will read book two to see what happens.

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Eyes Of Justice by Lis Wiehl with April Henry

April 29th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

29th Apr
Eyes Of Justice by Lis Wiehl with April Henry

Eyes of Justice, is the fourth novel in the Triple Threat Club series by Lis Wiehl. When I received this from Booksneeze I was excited, even though I hadn’t read the first three. Last year I reviewed Wiehl’s paranormal mystery called Waking Hours the first in her new East Salem trilogy. While this novel is part of a series, Wiehl has done an excellent job of allowing it to be read as a standalone. This was a suspenseful read, with lots of twists and characters I enjoyed.

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The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda

April 20th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

20th Apr
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda

The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda is the first in a brilliant new series. Fukuda has created a terrifying world in which vampires rule and humans are almost extinct. I consumed this dark tale in a few hours and it quickly became one of my favorite reads for 2012. Gone are the vampires that sparkle! In Fukuda’s dystopian world we hide among these vicious killers. This tale was fast paced, horrifying and delicious!

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The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry

April 16th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

16th Apr
The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry

The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry is a steampunk fiction set in an alternate late 1800s world. I love steampunk and was immediately drawn to the spectacular cover. Sprinkled with history, steampunk contraptions and strange folk known as Peculiars this novel kept me entertained.

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The Selection by Kiera Cass

April 8th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

8th Apr
The Selection by Kiera Cass

The Selection by Kiera Cass is a Cinderella tale set in a dystopian world. This was my first read by the author and the gorgeous cover is what first drew me to it. The tale offers drama, romance, a love triangle and suspense. Similarities to the popular television show the Bachelor and the novel Hunger Games extend only to the selection being televised by the nation and perhaps the hope of living happily ever after. This was a fun easy read that I consumed in a few hours.

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