The Phoenix Bloodline is the third novel in Fae Prison: Earth series. This fantasy follows Maeve as she hones her magical abilities, form allies and discovers we are not alone. Romance, action, ley-lines, off-planet travel and plenty of danger await you in this action-packed fantasy adventure.
Fae Prison: Earth
The Starlite Heist by Ember Holt
30th Aug
The Starlite Heist by Ember Holt is the second novel in the Fae Prison: Earth. Brigid, a powerful member of the Verance High Court, sends Maeve, a rare phoenix shapeshifter, to investigate missing cargo.. We see a shift in the romance department as Maeve comes into her powers. Find out why this fantasy series is so addictive.
The Chimera Bounty by Ember Holt
4th May
The Chimera Bounty by Ember Holt is the first novel in the romance fantasy series Fae Prison: Earth. Maeve, a student, journalist and bartender, has her world turns upside down when Corvin, a sexy & mysterious stranger, sits at the end of the bar. The tale that unfolds was action-packed and swoon-worthy as Maeve discovers everything she knows about our existence is wrong.