Heroic Hearts is dedicated to Rachel Caine, who was supposed to be a contributor before her passing. This anthology is filled with some of my favorite authors and narrators, so naturally I devoured their stories about heroes. Whether you listen or read, this one is a keeper.Â
Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews
8th Mar
I love slipping into the Kate Daniels’ world and spent an entire snowy Sunday listening to Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews. This is the first in the Aurelia Ryder series. We are back in Atlanta and trouble is brewing.
Twelve Days of Christmas by Debbie Macomber
1st Dec
Each year I make it a point to grab Debbie Macomber’s holiday book. It always gets me excited for the holidays and I soon find myself singing carols. This year I chose to listen to the book on audio. Twelves Days of Christmas narrated by Suzanne Elise Freeman shared a delightful romance featuring a blogger and her grumpy neighbor. Grab your earbuds and prepare to be captured by the holiday spirit.