Minimum Wage Magic delivered from an intriguing world to unique characters. Mages, dragons, cybernetics and magic gave way to a suspenseful tale filled with characters I want more of. The first in the DFZ series you’ll want to add this to your TBR pile.
Bound by Benedict Jacka
Bound is the eighth audiobook in the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka. Narrated by Gildart Jackson, I was once again pulled into this riveting world of light and dark mages.
Brimstone Bound by Helen Harper
Brimstone Bound by Helen Harper, narrated by Ruth Urquhart, introduces the listener to the Supernatural Squad and protagonist Emma Bellamy. Fresh, action-packed and engaging, I am looking forward to more of the Firebrand series.
Warping Minds & Other Misdemeanors by Annette Marie & Rob Jacobsen
Warping Minds & Other Misdemeanors written by Annette Marie & Rob Jacobsen flips things up as we enter the MPD (magic police department) and meet unregistered magic, Kit Morris. Snark, amazing characters and an intense case delivered and left me begging for more.
Blood & Ash by Deborah Wilde
Narrated by Holly Jackson, Blood & Ash by Deborah Wilde offered a snarky protagonist and an interesting case as the first audiobook in the Jezebel Files series.