Fragments by Dan Wells

July 12th, 2013 Kimberly Review 65 Comments

12th Jul
Fragments by Dan Wells

Fragments is the second book in Dan Wells Partials Sequence trilogy and was one of my most highly anticipated books. I began this tome during the Take Control Read-a-thon in March and consumed it in just two days. Stepping back into this dystopian world I found myself once again caught up in the cure, the battle and the unique characters. Wells outdoes himself with the incredible world-building and thought provoking questions he raises. With the exception of the characters ages this tale reads like an adult novel from its depth to it complex tale. Fans of The Passage and White Horse will enjoy this trilogy. Three word review: fascinating, chilling and suspenseful.

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Isolation by Dan Wells

September 2nd, 2012 Kimberly Review 20 Comments

2nd Sep
Isolation by Dan Wells

I bought this because I totally loved Partials and think Dan Wells rocks! Isolation by Dan Wells offers us a unique look back at the Isolation Wars that created the dystopian world we learned about in Partials. This was truly fascinating and explains why the Partials rebelled.

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Partials by Dan Wells

January 26th, 2012 Kimberly Review 2 Comments

26th Jan
Partials by Dan Wells

Partial is the first novel, in a new series by Dan Wells, acclaimed author of I Am Not a Serial Killer. In this YA, post-apocalyptic dystopia the year is 2076. It has been eleven years since the uprising of the Partials; a group of engineered organic beings who released a virus known as RM. This virus wiped out most of humanity and left the few remaining unable to produce living offspring.

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